Parish Newsletter – Sunday 1st March 2020

Dear friends,
Here is the Parish Newsletter for the oncoming week ahead from this weekend the 29th February/1st March 2020.

We remember in prayer those whose Anniversaries are at this time: Sarah Gibson-Letterkenny Road,
John O’Brien-Lifford, May McLaughlin-Ballindrait, Jim Dolan-Ardnasool, Patrick Gallagher-Liskey,
Jim & Katie McCosker-Main Street, Catherine Shaw-Cavan Hill, Nellie McDermott-Rossgier,
John F. McDermott-Drumbuoy, Patrick O’Kelly-Raphoe, Sally McGhee-Castlefin, Margaret Crawford-Porthall,
Martin McBrearty-Croaghan Heights, and Noel Gallagher-Croaghan Heights.          May They Rest in Peace

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, 2020 .. Thursday July 2nd – Tuesday July 7th, 2020. To make enquiries, or to
book, Tel: 028 7126 0293   (0044 287 126 0293 from the ROI)    E-mail:   Doctors and Nurses are invited to consider taking part in the Pilgrimage to assist those in need. Contact the Lourdes Office for details.

Forty Hours .. Will be held in St. Theresa’s Church, Sion Mills, on March 1st, after 11am Mass until 6pm.
Everyone welcome.

Life in the Spirit Seminars .. Are taking place in Scoil Eoghain, Moville. From 4pm-6pm each Sunday up to and including Palm Sunday, April 5th. For Scoil Eoghain, turn left at the Cozy Cottage Restaurant just beyond The Square. The School is about 100m on the right hand side. Please note: the Seminar on Sunday March 22nd, will take place in St. Pius X Church, Moville.

Diocese of Derry Mission Team Meeting .. If you are interested in being part of our Diocesan Mission Team to promote and faster mission awareness at home and overseas, please come along and join us for our next
meeting, next Tuesday March 3rd, at 7pm, in Ardstraw House, 21a Buncrana Road, Derry, next to St. Columb’s College. All are welcome including volunteers and missionaries who have worked overseas. For further information, please contact Fr. David O’Kane on: 048 7133 7727

Mass for those with Special Needs .. The Annual Diocesan Mass for those with Special Needs, and their
families, will take place in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Steelstown, Derry, on Saturday April 25th, at 3pm. If you have a child who wishes to recieve the Sacrament of Confirmation or First Communion at this Mass, please contact the Catechetical Centre on: 7126 4087   or e-mail:

Diocesan Lenten Prayer
Loving Father,
To prepare for His mission of proclaiming Your Kingdom to the world
Your Son Jesus was guided by Your Holy Spirit to the quiet of the desert.
In these Lenten days, I pray that I will be guided by that same Spirit,
To a place of renewal in my heart and mind, so that I will seek opportunities for
daily personal prayer, personal sacrifices, and acts of kindness.
With Your help, may I too be truly prepared to share in the story of the passion,
death, and ressurection of Jesus Your Son, our Lord. Amen.

The Annual World Day of Prayer .. (formerly Womens World Day of Prayer), will be held in St. Ninians Church of Ireland, Convoy. On Friday March 6th, at 8pm. Everyone welcome.

Aware Overcoming Depression, Changing Lives Support Group .. Will hold their meetings every fortnight, in Room 1, Strabane Library at 6.30pm.   Tel: 048 7126 0602    Web:  

Anam Cara Donegal .. The organization that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Parent Evening, on March 12th, at 7.20pm, in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Letterkenny, County Donegal. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not.

Lifford Tidy Towns Group .. Wishes to acknowledge with gratitude the support of the Residents and
Businesses of the Town over the years and recently at the unveiling of the “Lifford Town Street Map” sponsored by the Lifford Credit Union. The map is on display at the Green opposite Martin Tyres/Charlie McCauleys Restaurant, Bridge Street.

Naomh Padraig Lotto Results .. February 24th. Numbers drawn were: 9, 14, 18, & 31. One person matched 3 numbers, and will receive: €100. Next weeks Jackpot: €7500.

Masses This Week:
MONDAY                          10am Mass ..          
TUESDAY                         9.30am Mass ..                        
WEDNESDAY                       10am Mass ..                        
THURSDAY                        10am Mass ..                  
FRIDAY                          10am & 7pm Masses .. Followed by The Stations of the Cross              
SATURDAY                        No Morning Mass ..
                                        6.30pm Vigil .. Martin Tourish-The Roughan .. Anniversary          
SUNDAY                          9am & 11am Masses ..

Confessions .. Will be held from 5.30pm until 6.15pm every Saturday night.

Upcoming Parish Events
St. Patrick’s Day ..                    March 17th
Palm Sunday ..                          April 5th
Good Friday ..                          April 10th
Easter Sunday ..                        April 12th
Confirmation ..                         April 25th
First Holy Communion ..         May 9th
Blessing of the Graves ..               May 11th

Parish Baptisms
March 1st, 15th & 29th
Please confirm the Baptism with either the Parochial House or Parish Office. Baptism Registration
Cards, available from the Parish Office or the Parochial House, or the Sacristy, should be collected
before-hand, and returned on the occasion of the Ceremony.