Thought for the week – Sunday 1st March 2020

Your Thought for the week ahead.

During this season of Lent, we are asked to reflect at a deeper level on the ways in which we live out the Gospel in our daily lives. This Lent, Bishop
McKeown has asked us, the people of the Derry Diocese, to use the message of the Gospels of the Sundays of Lent as a serious opportunity to look at the
changes that will be necessary, to help us to engage with the pastoral needs of our Parishes into the future, whilst always reflecting on our personal witness to Christ every day. This Sunday we begin that reflection as we hear the account of Jesus’ retreat in the desert preparing for his public ministry to come. It asks us to look at where we may be tempted to water down the
challenge of following Jesus and make life easier for ourselves.

A. The start of Jesus’ public ministry was a time of change for Him; He would encounter opposition, hostility, and obstacles. In our Parish, what are the challenges we face as the disciples of Jesus entering the 2020’s? Are we courageous in engaging positively with the challenge of change? Is the building of God’s Kingdom, and our faith community within it, our priority?

B. To prepare Himself for His pubic ministry, Jesus was guided by the Holy Spirit to the quiet of the desert, where He prayed and fasted. What are we hoping to do this Lent that might help us prepare for the celebration of the passion, death, and resurrection of Christ?

C. Are we Christ-like in the face of temptation or are we self-centered?
What are the things that draw us away from following the way of Jesus, in these secular times?

D. For those of us who are in positions of authority – be that in family, workplace, Parish, our Church – do we imitate Jesus in such positions?
Is our approach to authority that of the ‘Suffering Servant’?