Thought for the week – Sunday 8th March 2020

The Thought for the week…

The Transfiguration of Jesus in the presence of three of His disciples may have been a bewildering or confusing moment for them but, beyond that,
it was a glimpse of the glory of God, a changing moment that would strengthen them in faith and give them the courage and hope they needed for the challenging and dark times ahead.

•      Things that we don’t anticipate can happen in our lives (or in the lives of others) that cause us anxiety, fear or confusion.  We may even wonder sometimes where God is!  Like the three disciples in today’s Gospel, however, we may also experience special moments of God’s grace – precious moments of transfiguration and knowledge of His presence – that renew us in faith and hope.  How can we encourage
each other through our Catholic faith, to give renewed hope to others in times of doubt, fear or despair?  How can the parish support the pastoral needs of the community in times of need?

•       Staying close to God through prayer and through the sacraments increases our awareness of His loving presence, especially in challenging times.  Are we allowing the sacramental opportunities that are available to us to ‘transfigure’ our relationship
with God as we prepare for the events of Holy Week and Easter?  As a parish, how can we best share with others the benefits of participating in the Sacraments for everyone to experience the enduring and loving presence of God?

•       Jesus was transfigured in order to prepare the apostles for the difficulties that lay ahead.  We face many challenges in Church today.  Are we inclined to tell a story about the present and future that is dominated by loss and negativity, or do we prepare for the future with positivity and trust in the power of Christ’s Resurrection?