Lifford Covid Community Response Group

Lifford Covid Community Response Group have set up a Meals on Wheels and Food Bank Service for those most in need in the Parish of Clonleigh to help assist those who may be facing food poverty during the pandemic.

The services start this Monday 27th April. 
The phone lines are open this weekend from 10am to 5pm and from Monday – Friday, 10am – 5pm thereafter.

Phone numbers are:

Meals on Wheels – 074 91 41733

Food Bank – 087 4629119

Both services are strictly confidential and will be fully compliant with Covid 19 Health and Safety guidelines from the Department of Health and the HSE. 

There is a cost of €3 per meal for meals on Wheels and there is no cost associated with the food bank.

We ask you to support Lifford Covid Community Response Group by following their page on Facebook and also sharing this post.

Food donations for the food bank are very welcome and can be made by dropping into the trolley in Dalys, Upper Main Street or by contacting their Facebook page and arranging a collection time.

If you would like to donate to fund these much needed services, it will be gratefully received at the following link:

The Group are also looking for volunteers. Anyone looking to volunteer is asked to private message them on their Facebook page @LiffordCovidCommunityResponse.

Thank you.