Donating Online

Online Contributions

Our secure website donation system is now live.

The current crisis is affecting everyone worldwide, our country, our Parishioners, our Church. We are aware not just of the psychological but also the financial pressures that families are enduring at this time. Unfortunately, our Church is no different.

Traditionally, we rely on your contribution through your Parish envelopes to sustain the Church and keep it open even in its current capacity. 

Therefore, we have decided that now is the time to follow other Parishes proactive examples and set up a secure online method of contributing to the Church for the necessary upkeep of our Church and Parish.

We hope you will consider continuing your contributions in this way.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How does this differ from the Parish envelopes?

This will be another way to donate to the Church.

Currently, in this time it is the most suitable and most risk free method of contributing to our Church.

Will I be expected to to donate online and return envelopes at the same time?

Absolutely not. We are setting up this service as a convenient way to contribute to our Church to give you more options to use in addition to the traditional method (envelope in the basket) as the world eventually progresses to a more cashless society.

Will I still receive the Parish envelopes?

Yes.  Anyone registered with the Parish will still receive their annual box of envelopes. As always has been the case, your envelope will have an individual reference number to pair with your name. This envelope number is the reference number you will use with your name when donating online.

I’ve always contributed to the Church through the basket, it’s a custom I’ve liked doing. Do I have to stop donating this way?

Not at all. We would not ask you to duplicate your donation. If you so wish, you can still place an envelope in the basket with a smaller or any amount you please or indeed an empty envelope into the basket or you can place a small note inside or on the envelope that you have donated online. 

What is the benefit of contributing to our Online donations system?

1. You are contributing to your Church and Parish community when you want to.

2. This is also a great way for members of the Parish who live away from home and wish to hold that sense of belonging and contribute to their home Parish and Church, be it someone working or living down the country or members of our overseas diaspora.

3. You control how much you want to pay and when.  You can stop payments when your bank balance is low on a particular week and restart when your funds are improved.

4. You never have to worry about looking for the usual amount you donate to the Church the evening or morning before leaving for Mass. 

How do I donate online?

Having taken advice from the diocesan office with the agreement of the Parish Finance Committee, we are going to use and offer to you for your consideration the following means of making secure online payments to the Parish:

1. Online donation via our website using a service provided by Easy Payments Plus. Click the Donate button below.

2. Standing Order. We have a list of instructions from various banking institutions below on how to set up a standing order. This is a very useful option as most of us use online banking on our mobile phones these days and you can easily monitor and change how you pay, be it weekly, monthly etc.

Alternatively, if you like, you can download this form below and send it to the Parish Office and we will contact the bank on your behalf.

Download and print the Standing Order Form:


Post to:

Your local banking institution or 
Clonleigh Parish Office, St. Patrick’s Church, Lifford Co. Donegal. F93X5TR

Alternatively, You can contact Fr. Colm on 083 3665530 or by email:

Or email your enquiry to the Parish Office:

Parish Envelopes – For those who wish to continue paying by envelope, this option is available in the church on specified days every two weeks. Alternatively, you can drop them through the letter-box in the Parochial House.