A special message from Bishop McKeown to children in the Diocese awaiting their First Holy Communion and Confirmation

Bishop Donal sends a special video message to all the children in the Diocese waiting to receive their First Holy Communion, and those awaiting Confirmation. Due to restrictions in place it is not possible at the moment to have these very special ceremonies.

Bishop Donal says “we are all very sad that it has not been possible YET for those ceremonies to take place… but rest assured, as soon as it is possible they will be celebrated.” View his message below.

Bishop Donal McKeown

A special message from Bishop Donal McKeown to children in the Diocese of Derry waiting to receive their First Holy Communion, and those awaiting Confirmation that “we are all very sad that it has not been possible YET for those ceremonies to take place… but rest assured, as soon as it is possible they will be celebrated.

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An tEaspag Dónal MacEoin

Seo teachtaireacht thábhachtach ón Easpag Dónal MacEoin do na daoine óga i nDeoise Dhoire atá ag dúil le lá a gCéad Chomaoineach nó lá a gCóineartaithe i mbliana:

“Tá muid uilig fíor-bhuartha nárbh fhéidir, go fóill, na searmanais sin a cheiliúradh, ach geallaim daoibh go ndéanfar iad a cheiliúradh chomh luath agus is féidir”.

Féach Anois