Parish Newsletter – Sunday 10th May 2020

Your Parish Newsletter for Sunday 10th May 2020.


We remember in prayer those whose Anniversaries are at this time:

Phil & Maggie Grogan, Coneyburrow
Raymond White, Ballyduff
Johnny White, Gallows Lane
Mary Foley, Tober
Jacinta Kelly, Gallows Lane
Sean Porter, The Common
Lila McFeely, Porthall
Ellen Doherty, Cloughfin

Anniversary Masses for this week:

Friday 15th …9am… Jacinta Kelly, Gallows Lane
Sunday 17th…11am… Pat Lafferty, Backlands


The May 2020 edition of ‘The Net’, the monthly publication sharing the fruits of the faith in parishes and schools within the Diocese of Derry.

WITH the Covid-19 restrictions still in place, the May edition of ‘The Net’ is available to download here for free. The publication will be available again in parishes when the restrictions are lifted.



We pray in a special way this weekend for the girls and boys who should have been celebrating the occasion of their First Holy Communion in our parish. We ask God to continue to bless them, their families and all those in school who were helping them in their preparations. I hope they will continue to prepare themselves and as soon as we can in the new term,  we will get a chance to celebrate that great occasion here in the parish. Meanwhile we keep them all in our prayers. Fr. Colm.


Once again our heartfelt thanks to the management and staff of Finn Valley FM radio station for their great assistance at a time when community radio is needed the most. Please let anyone who doesn’t already know, that our Mass is broadcast every Sunday at 11am, especially those who have no access to watch the webcam. 95.8FM for everyone in the Finn Valley community and also on their website for anyone living down the country who can’t receive the broadcast locally or for members of our overseas diaspora…..
Thank you again.


Our secure website donation link is now live.

How to donate:

1. Online donation via our website using a service provided by Easy Payments Plus. Click the Donate button below.

2. Standing Order. We have a list of instructions from various banking institutions below on how to set up a standing order. This is a very useful option as most of us use online banking on our mobile phones these days and you can easily monitor and change how you pay, be it weekly, monthly etc.

Alternatively, if you like, you can download this form below and send it to the Parish Office and we will contact the bank on your behalf.

Download and print the Standing Order Form:


Post to:

Your local banking institution or 
Clonleigh Parish Office, St. Patrick’s Church, Lifford Co. Donegal. F93X5TR

Alternatively, You can contact Fr. Colm on 083 3665530 or by email:

Or email your enquiry to the Parish Office:

3. Parish Envelopes – For those who wish to continue paying by envelope, this option is available in the church on specified days every two weeks. Alternatively, you can drop them through the letter-box in the Parochial House.


Lifford Covid Community Response Group have set up a Meals on Wheels and Food Bank Service for those most in need in the Parish of Clonleigh to help assist those who may be facing food poverty during the pandemic.
The phone lines are open from Monday – Friday, 10am – 5pm.

Phone numbers are:

Meals on Wheels – 074 91 41733

Food Bank – 087 4629119

Both services are strictly confidential and will be fully compliant with Covid 19 Health and Safety guidelines from the Department of Health and the HSE. 

There is a cost of €3 per meal for meals on Wheels and there is no cost associated with the food bank.

Food donations for the food bank are very welcome and can be made by dropping into the trolley in Dalys, Upper Main Street or by contacting their Facebook page and arranging a collection time.

If you would like to donate to fund these much needed services, it will be gratefully received at the following link:

The Group are also looking for volunteers. Anyone looking to volunteer is asked to private message them on their Facebook page @LiffordCovidCommunityResponse.


COVID-19 has changed every aspect of family life – all of our familiar ways of living have had to be adjusted.

You may have had to self-isolate due to the virus; you may be finding it difficult to get space for yourself within the confines of the family home; you may be trying to combine working from home with efforts to provide a home-schooling environment; or it may be that the fear and stress caused by these exceptional circumstances are causing high levels of concern and anxiety.  Whatever impact the spread of COVID-19 has had on the quality of your couple and family relationships – we are here to provide information and support. 

As one of the largest providers of couples and relationships counselling in N. Ireland our experienced, professional, couples and relationships counsellors have made themselves available to listen to your concerns.

We have established a Relationships Support Line 048  9568 0151 offering support to those who are trying to reduce distress within their personal relationships at this time.  We are also using our Facebook page Accord Catholic Marriage Care Service and to provide links to material designed to increase understanding of, and support for handling challenging couples and relationships situations.

COVID-19 Support Line for Older People:

ALONE has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024

Online WebCam Masses This Week:

This Saturday:
12.00pm Angelus & Rosary
6.30pm – Vigil

This Sunday :

11.00am Mass followed by Angelus & Rosary

9.00am Mass
12.00pm Angelus & Rosary

9.00am Mass
12.00pm Angelus & Rosary

9.00am Mass
12.00pm Angelus & Rosary

9.00am Mass
12.00pm Angelus & Rosary

9.00am Mass (Anniversary… Jacinta Kelly, Gallows Lane)
12.00pm Angelus & Rosary

Next Saturday:
12.00pm Angelus & Rosary
6.30pm – Vigil

Next Sunday :

11.00am Mass (Anniversary… Pat Lafferty, Backlands) –  followed by Angelus & Rosary

(The Sunday Mass will also be broadcast on Finn Valley FM on the frequency 95.8FM and can also be streamed worldwide from their website).

In addition to our schedule, and in case you are unable to log on and watch during our Mass times, here is a list of all the Mass times in the Lifford Strabane area that can be followed online on each Churches respective website or alternatively on the MCN Media website.

Monday – Friday
Clonleigh 9.00am
Sion Mills 9.00am on Melmount webcam
Leckpatrick: 9.30am
Melmount: 10.00am

Saturday Vigil
Leckpatrick: 6.00pm
Clonleigh : 6.30pm
Camus: 6.30pm
Melmount: 7.00pm

Sunday Morning
Sion Mills 9.30am on Melmount webcam
Camus: 10.00am
Melmount: 10.30am
Clonleigh: 11.00am
Leckpatrick: 11.30am