Thought for the Week – Sunday 24th May 2020

Ascension Sunday 2020


On Ascension Sunday the Church celebrates the completion of Christ’s earthly mission and His glorification with God the Father. The Ascension was (and is) a new chapter of a story that is everlasting and we, the disciples of our time, are now the story-tellers. Guided by the Holy Spirit, the mission, privilege and responsibility of living and communicating the Great Story of Faith, Salvation, Hope and Glory, is ours.

WORLD COMMUNICATIONS DAY is celebrated in the Church today. It is fitting that it is celebrated on Ascension Sunday, when the message of the Gospel to us is to take up the work of Jesus and communicate the faith, from generation to generation. Modes of communication change through and within every generation and, indeed, communication has taken on a whole new meaning for all of us, in all aspects of life, in the last two months, with new, unforeseen and inventive means of communication having been taken up! Indeed, as a Church, the host of digital platforms available to us have been invaluable in facilitating parish communities to come together in spirit and in faith for the celebration of the Eucharist and other liturgies.
Through all generations, however, the one medium that has not changed is the Gospel. The Good News and its message have been communicated down through the generations and remain as relevant to us today as they were to the followers of Jesus 2,000 years ago. The Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to speak a message that was understood by all. With the Holy Spirit ruling our hearts and minds, we too are enabled to communicate the Message of the Gospel and to hand on the great gift of faith that has been handed down to us. We ask God today for the grace to communicate it well, through our example.
The theme chosen by Pope Francis this year is ‘ “That you may tell your children and grandchildren” (based on Exodus 10:2) Life becomes history’. The full text of Pope Francis’ Message for World Communications Day can be accessed on: