Statistics from our Website

Dear friends,

We launched our website around the week leading up to St. Patrick’s Day. We had planned to launch the site for the Easter season but with the sudden implementation of the lockdown and the Coronavirus pandemic the site was launched early as a vehicle for Fr. Colm to keep in touch with you through the site alongside the Parish Facebook and Twitter pages to spread the the word of the Gospel, to inform you of news relevant to your Parish and keep you connected to the Church when you couldn’t attend. That was the idea behind the launching of the site.

Little did we know that the site would be so relevant and needed with the safety measures requiring the Church to be closed. So, we were very lucky in this Parish.

The website is wholly owned by the Parish of Clonleigh, and we would like to give you a snapshot now of the average usage by you over a 30 day period. Today’s snapshot is a good normal example of any given 30 days as there were no major occasions (eg. Easter time, Holy Day’s of Obligation, our current Novena etc.)

We have also included how you visit our site, whether via your mobile phone, tablet or computer. And what is particularly fascinating is who is visiting the site not just from home but from other countries.

We are happy with the hits that the site is getting and we thank you so much.