Peter – The Rock on which the Church was built: St Matthew’s Gospel 16:13-20
Today’s Gospel passage is a pivotal and revealing moment in Jesus’ ministry. It is a key moment in the witness of the Apostles and, in particular, a defining one in the discipleship of Simon Peter.
Despite the positive, dramatic and transforming exchange and declarations that we hear today, subsequent events will indicate that the Apostles, including Peter (meaning ‘rock’), still have doubts and fears and lack understanding of their role and responsibilities in discipleship and proclaiming the kingdom of God.
Like the Apostles, while we too sometimes feel close to Jesus and have moments of inexplicable enlightenment and grace, there are times when we don’t understand or take up the full implications of being Christ’s followers. Our actions and words may not always present us as rocks of faith. Jesus gave to His Apostles the privilege of building His kingdom, through a Church based on the Rock of Peter. We, the disciples of our generation, have been given that privilege too. We thank God for the gift of those who, by their example and witness, encouraged us to get to know the House of God, our Church, where we can gather together in faith to share the love of Christ in His everlasting gift to us, the Eucharist.