Your Parish Newsletter for Sunday 8th August 2021:
GOSPEL: ST JOHN 6:41-51:
Mass Schedule for the Parish this Week:
For those who are unable to come out to church, all our Masses will continue to be available on our parish webcam, and our 11.00am Mass is also broadcast live each Sunday on Finn Valley Radio: 95.8FM
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Mass at 10.00am
Tuesday: Mass at 9.30am
Saturday, Vigil Mass: 6.30pm Sunday: Masses at 9.00am and 11.00am
The Rosary will be recited Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.40am, before Mass.
The Rosary will be recited on Tuesday at 9.10am, before Mass.
Everyone attending church is asked to wear a face covering, use the hand sanitiser that is available and maintain social distancing. Please enter the church by one of the back doors and leave by the side door that is closest to you. It is important that everyone attending feels safe and welcome in our church. The church continues to be ‘fogged’ and cleaned each day, after use. Thank you very much for your co-operation.
The parish office will be closed for two weeks, from Thursday of this week (12 August), reopening again on Thursday 26 August. Mass Intention and Anniversary requests can continue to be sent by email to or booked through Fr Colm or Hugh in the sacristy before or after any of our Masses. Thank you.
Monday 9 August, 10.00am: Charlie Gallagher, Coolatee
Tuesday 10 August, 9.30am: Davy Crotty, Coneyburrow – First Anniversary
Wednesday 11 August, 10.00am: Laura Connolly, Croaghan Heights – Month’s Mind Mass
Thursday 12 August: Sarah McIntyre and The Breslin Family
Friday 13 August, 6.00pm: Raymond Gallagher, Ballindrait – First Anniversary
Sunday 15 August, 9.00am: Kay Neeson, Strabane.
We remember in prayer the souls of those whose anniversaries occur at this time….
Paddy Donnelly, Liskey; Reg Farmer; Rita Tourish, Albert Terrace
John and Sarah-Ann Maguire, Tober; The Gallen Family, Lifford
Louis Roulston, Rossgier; Hughie McCarthy, Croaghan Heights; Gerry Crossan, Porthall
Patsy Friel, Braide; Charlie Gallagher, Coolatee; David Crotty, Coneyburrow; Kay Neeson, Strabane.
May they rest in peace.
THANK YOU very much, as always, for your generosity to the collection which, last week, amounted to €2,130. Envelopes / weekly contributions can be left in the baskets inside the doors any morning of the week at Mass time. For those unable to attend Mass, you can drop your envelope into the Parochial House letter box at any time. Sincere thanks also to those who contribute by Standing Order and online – these payments amounted to €600 for the month of July.
Download our Standing Order Form here.
You can also request envelopes by simply clicking on this link: ‘Get in Touch‘ and then select Parish Envelopes from the drop-down menu.
The initial works for the extension to the graveyard, as you may have seen, began this week. There will be some disruption in the grounds for the next few weeks but it is hoped to keep this to a minimum. I ask and thank you for your patience and understanding as this vital project is undertaken. A plan of the proposed works is available for viewing on the noticeboard at the entrance to the church.
Parents, please note, a special Preparation Afternoon for the Confirmation children will take place next Sunday, 15 August, starting at 2.30pm and finishing at 4.30pm, in the parish community centre in Lifford (beside Lifford National School).
All children who are presenting for Confirmation are asked to attend this event. It will also be the time when they will be registered for the sacrament. The children are asked to bring their own pen or pencil, as there will be some writing exercises to be undertaken. Due to Covid restrictions, the children are also asked to bring their own refreshments. Please note: it will be essential that the children will already have chosen a name of a Saint as their Confirmation name, as this will form part of the afternoon exercises.
The Confirmation Ceremonies will be held on Saturday 4 September at: 10.30am for the children of Murlog National School and 1.30pm for the children of Cloughfin National School and Lifford National School.
For the Confirmation ceremonies, Covid-19 protocols will mean that each family will be allocated one full pew. The maximum number will be 8, which includes the child for Confirmation and also the sponsor (if the sponsor is not one of the parents).
As an ongoing and integral part of the children’s preparation for First Holy Communion and Confirmation, I encourage the parents of the children to continue to bring them along each week to one of our three Sunday Masses or to weekday Mass. Many thanks. Fr Colm.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION will be held on Saturday 11 September at: 10.30am for the children of Cloughfin NS and Lifford NS and at 1.30pm for the children of Murlog NS.
YOUTH 2000 Summer Festival:
YOUTH 2000 Summer Festival is running from 13 – 15 August, both Online and In Person. While the Festival is primarily taking place online, with all talks, testimonies, liturgies, prayer and worship online for the course of the weekend, there is also an In Person element. The closest venues are the Carmelite Retreat Centre, Termonbacca, Derry, and the Catholic Chaplaincy at QUB: Friday 13 August – 6.00pm –10.00pm, Saturday 14 August – 9.00am – 10.00pm, Sunday 15 August – 10.00am – 3.30pm. All venues and activities are in line with current government regulations, with the engagement of the services of health and safety professionals. Please book early to go to the location of your choice. For all information and to register please visit
Please remember, in prayer, all our young parishioners, family members and friends who will be making important choices and decisions in these coming weeks: We pray:
Lord, pour out your blessings on all students who will have important choices to make in these coming weeks.
Grant that they will be guided by the Holy Spirit as they seek to plan their future,
at school, university or in the workplace, and may whatever path they choose bring them fulfilment.
Thank you for the many talents and gifts You give to our young people
and for the opportunity of education.
May Your love be upon them, O Lord, as they place all their trust in You. Amen.
Please pray for one another and for our parish. Please pray the Parish Prayer.
God our Father,
pour forth Your Holy Spirit on our parish.
Guide us in Your ways, grant us Your vision. Be our wisdom.
Open our hearts and minds to Your Holy Word,
strengthen us with the Holy Eucharist,
our food for the journey.
Help us to be people of prayer,
trusting in Your constant presence
in the challenges that we face.
With Your help,
may our parish always be a place where
Your love is known, Your light shines
and our parish families grow together in faith and mission.
We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
St Patrick, pray for us.
Next Sunday, 15 August, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated. If you would like to have a look through the Readings in advance, you can access them on our parish website:
I hope that having the Readings available on our parish website is also helpful to our Scripture readers, for the purpose of checking them out in advance. The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.
You can donate to the Church via The Parish Envelopes or by Standing Order. Download this easy to fill form: Standing Order Form – & send to or email the Parish Office:
Parish Contact Details:
Parish Priest: Fr Colm O’Doherty Parochial House: 074-9142022
Mobile: 0833665530
Parish Office – Secretary: Lorna Porter @ 074-9142001
Parish website:
Follow us on Twitter: @clonleighparish
Find us on Facebook:. Clonleigh Parish
Join our free Clonleigh Parish Text Service on WhatsApp. We will text you when we update our website with the Parish Newsletter etc. And you can link in to read the latest updates.
The Derry Diocesan Liaison Person, to whom any safeguarding concerns or allegations should be
communicated is: Ms Marie Gormley, Email: Tel: 07596 500 793