Parish Newsletter for Sunday 6th February 2022


The story of Jesus’ miraculous catch of fish in the Sea of Gennesaret (Sea of Galilee) is a call to discipleship. Today’s Gospel marks a turning point in the relationship between Jesus and Simon Peter. Jesus introduces him to a new way of thinking, a new way of life, telling him that he will now become a different kind of fisherman – his task will be to draw others to Jesus.
Through baptism, we have that same call. We are the disciples of today. We too are called to draw others to Jesus; this is best done through the example of prayer, kindness, acts of charity and faithfulness to the sacramental life. In short, it is done through living the virtues of the Gospel.
We ask God for the grace today to be spiritually reawakened to the power of Jesus’ presence in our lives and awareness of our call to discipleship.


The Rosary will commence 20 minutes before Mass each weekday.

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 10.00am.
Tuesday: 9.30am.

Sunday Masses: Vigil, 6.30pm, Morning, 9.00am and 11.00am

For those who are unable to come out to church, all our Masses continue to be available on our parish webcam:


and our 11.00am Mass is also broadcast live each Sunday on Finn Valley Radio, FM95.8.

Patrick (Paddy) Devenney, late of 330 Coneyburrow Road, Lifford
As a parish faith community, we offer our sympathy and our prayerful support to Marie, Catherine, Patricia, Ann and Tom, to the sons-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren and great-grandchildre, to his sister, May, and to the wider family circle and friends of Paddy, whose Funeral Mass took place in St Patrick’s last Sunday. May he rest in peace.

Mary McIntyre Nee Brown; 3 Sheephaven, Portnablagh, Dunfanaghy and of The Diamond, Lifford. As a parish faith community, we offer our sympathy and our prayerful support to her Sons; Ken, Aidan and Pearse and Daughter Annmarie, Grandchildren and Great Grandchild, Brother George and Sister Patsy, whose Funeral Mass took place in St Patrick’s on Saturday. May she rest in peace.


Monday 7 February, 10.00am: Bridie Canny, Galway
Saturday 12 February, 6.30pm: First Anniversary Mass for Helena Crawford, Coolatee
Sunday 13 February, 11.00am: Brendan Brolly, Cloughfin; Fonsie Brolly, Wales.


We pray for the following, whose anniversaries occur at this time:

Eddie McCrory, Springhill; Conal McGill, Cavan; Geraldine Melaugh, McGarrigle, Dublin/Ballindrait;
John Devenney, Manorcunnigham; Olive McCullagh, Ballinabreen; Bridie Canny, Galway.

May they rest in peace.


THANK YOU as always for your generosity to the collection which, last week, amounted to €1,560. Thank you also to those who contribute by Standing Order and online: for the month of January these amounted to €429.00

Download our Standing Order Form here.

You can also request envelopes by simply clicking on this link: ‘Get in Touch‘ and then select Parish Envelopes from the drop-down menu.


Welcome to our Folk Choir this weekend, at our Vigil Mass. We are most grateful to those who give of their time and talent to our two choirs. May God bless them in their ministry.

CLOUGHFIN NATIONAL SCHOOL will be accepting applications for admission from 1 February until 28 February. Application forms are available online at or by phoning the school on 074 9145705

LIFFORD NATIONAL SCHOOL – Junior Infant enrolment from 1 February until 28 February. Applications can be made by telephone:074 914 1269 or by email:

ST PATRICK’S NATIONAL SCHOOL, MURLOG – Applications for enrolment to Junior Infants for September 2022 will be accepted from 1 February until 28 February. Enrolment forms are available through Enrolments Section of the school website, or by contacting the school office on 074 9141450.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY at the Sanctuary of St Patrick, Lough Derg:

Applications are invited for an Operations Manager, which is a key leadership role in delivering the Mission and Vision of Lough Derg, responsible for the smooth running of all day to day operational activities at the pilgrimage centre. For further details and Application Pack contact Mary at 053 7198 61518 or

will resume this week, as follows, starting at 12.00noon each day:

Monday (7 February): Ballindrait, Tober, Cloughfin

Wednesday (9 February): Rossgier, Coolatee, Porthall, Cavan Hill

Thursday (10 February): Murlog, Lifford, Coneyburrow

Friday (11 February): Letterkenny Road, Croaghan Heights, Drumboy

I would be grateful if family members or neighbours could let those whom they know to be visited aware of the arrangements, if possible. If there is anyone who is normally part of the visitation but does not wish to be visited for any reason, please let me know. Likewise, if there is anyone who is not normally visited but would like to be visited, please let me know and I will be more than happy to bring you the Eucharist. Please note: I will wear a face covering, use sanitiser and observe all the recommended Covid precautions, during visitation. Fr Colm

NEXT WEEKEND, at our Masses, we will welcome the Holy Cross Missionary Group from Bethlehem, who will briefly talk about the Holy Land; religious articles (crucifixes, rosary beads and plaques), made out of olive wood, will be available for sale, to raise financial support for poor Christian families. They will welcome all support.

ANAM CARA, Donegal is holding its monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents this Thursday, 10 February, at 7.30pm, in the Raddison Blu Hotel, Letterkenny. This event is free and is open to all bereaved parents, regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of death, and whether their death was recent or not.


On Friday of this week we celebrate World Day of the Sick. To celebrate this annual event, which is held on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes, we will have special prayers for the sick during our Masses each day this week, Monday to Friday. Our Mass on Friday morning will, as always, be offered for the intentions of the Sick and Housebound of our parish. If you are unable to come along to Mass, you are welcome to join us on the parish webcam, if you can.

Our prayer focus for each of the days this week will be:

For all in the caring profession – doctors, nurses, paramedics and ambulance staff, care workers, other support workers in our hospitals and care homes, all who care for sick and elderly family members at home, and neighbours who are obliging and attentive to those in their neighbourhood who need support.

For all who are awaiting surgery or test results, and for all who are worried about their own health or that of a loved one. For all who suffer from poor mental health.

For all who have a terminal illness at this time, and for their families. For sick children, especially children who suffer long term illnesses, including those with special needs; for their parents, families and all who care for them.

For all who struggle with addiction of any kind and for their loved ones.

For the sick and housebound in our parish, including those in our care homes and those who are normally visited as part of the First Friday visitation. For the elderly, especially those who, through poor health, are no longer able to care for themselves.

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

The theme of Pope Francis’ Message for World Day of the Sick this year is:
“Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (Lk 6:36):
Standing beside those who suffer on a path of charity.”
The Pope’s Message is available on


Please continue to pray our Parish Prayer:

God our Father, pour forth Your Holy Spirit on our parish.
Guide us in Your ways, grant us Your vision.
Be our wisdom.
Open our hearts and minds to Your Holy Word,
strengthen us with the Holy Eucharist, our food for the journey.
Help us to be people of prayer, trusting in Your constant presence in the challenges that we face.
With Your help, may our parish always be a place where Your love is known, Your light shines
and our parish families grow together in faith and mission. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

St Patrick, pray for us.


The proposed Confirmation and First Holy Communion dates for the coming year are:

Sacrament of Confirmation – Saturday 26 March 2022
Sacrament of First Holy Communion – Saturday 21 May 2022

God willing, we will be able to adhere to the proposed dates in 2022. I will be working closely with our three schools in the coming weeks and months as the children prepare for these important steps in their faith. Please keep the children, their teachers and their families in your prayer.

Sunday’s Mass Readings

You can access the Readings on our parish website:

Sunday’s Mass Readings

I hope that having the Readings available on our parish website is also helpful to our Scripture readers, for the purpose of checking them out in advance. The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.


You can donate to the Church via The Parish Envelopes or by Standing Order. Download this easy to fill form: Standing Order Form – & send to or email the Parish Office:


Parish Contact Details:

Parish Priest: Fr Colm O’Doherty Parochial House: 074-9142022
Mobile: 0833665530

Parish Office – Secretary: Lorna Porter @ 074-9142001


Parish website:

Follow us on Twitter:  @clonleighparish

Find us on Facebook:. Clonleigh Parish

Join our free Clonleigh Parish Text Service on WhatsApp. We will text you when we update our website with the Parish Newsletter etc. And you can link in to read the latest updates.

Join us on WhatsApp !


The Derry Diocesan Liaison Person, to whom any safeguarding concerns or allegations should be
communicated is: Ms Marie Gormley, Email: Tel: 0044 7596 500 793