Parish Newsletter for Sunday 6th March 2022


Temptation comes our way every day, in many forms. Sometimes we are weak: we make selfish choices, ones that suit our own desires, choices that are self-centred. Today’s Gospel calls us to adopt the same trust and confidence in God that Jesus had in the face of temptation.


Today (6 March), Lenten Devotions, led by Fr Gerry Sweeney PP,
on the theme of Reconciliation

 Monday, Wednesday & Thursday: 10.00am. Friday: 10.00am & 7.00pm

Tuesday: Mass at 9.30am

The Rosary will commence 20 minutes before weekday Masses.

 Sunday Masses: Vigil, 6.30pm, Morning, 9.00am and 11.00am

Sunday 13 March: Penitential Service, with neighbouring priests available to hear Confessions.

 Saturdays of Lent: Confessions (in the sacristy of the church), 11.00am – 12.00noon

For those who are unable to come out to church, all our Masses continue to be available on our parish webcam:


and our 11.00am Mass is also broadcast live each Sunday on Finn Valley Radio, FM95.8.

Seamus Devenney, late of 17 Porthall, Lifford
As a parish faith community, we offer our sympathy and our prayerful support to Geraldine, to Charleen, Anthony and Gerard, to the grandchildren, son-in-law, daughters-in-law, brothers, sisters and wider family circle of Seamus, whose Funeral Mass took place in St Patrick’s last Sunday. May he rest in peace.

Molly McElhinney (nee Doherty), late of 334 Coneyburrow Road, Lifford
We offer our sympathy and our prayerful support to Marie, John, Teresa and Danny, to the grandchildren, to Willie, Teresa and Eugene and to the wider family circle of Molly, whose Funeral Mass took place in St Patrick’s on Wednesday. May she rest in peace.

Billy Brown, late of Coolatee, Lifford
As a parish faith community, we offer our sympathy and our prayerful support to Angela, to Sandra, Michael, Lisa, Liam and Stephen, to the grandchildren, to Patsy and George and to the wider family circle of Billy, whose Funeral Mass took place in St Patrick’s on Tuesday. May he rest in peace.


Thursday 10 March, 10.00am: Maisie Matthewson, Lurganshannagh
Friday 11 March, 10.00am: John Tourish, Albert Terrace
Friday 11 March, 7.00pm: First Anniversary Mass for Mary Sarah Doherty, Porthall.


We pray for the following, whose anniversaries occur at this time:

John F McDermott, Drumbuoy; Alice Howard, Glenfad; Liam Tourish, Curraghalane
William Lynch, Ballinabreen; Johnny Rushe, Ballybun; James Dolan, Ardnasool
Deta Anderson(nee Gallagher) Strabane/Carndonagh; Martin Tourish, The Roughan
John & Martha Mitchell, St Johnston; John & Mary Rose Colhoun, Ballindrait
Fonsie Brennan, Coneyburrow; Patrick Gallagher, Liskey.

May they rest in peace.


THANK YOU as always for your generosity to the collection which, last week, amounted to €1,780.00

Download our Standing Order Form here.

You can also request envelopes by simply clicking on this link: ‘Get in Touch‘ and then select Parish Envelopes from the drop-down menu.


The main focus of our almsgiving during Lent is Trocaire’s Lenten Campaign. This year, Trocaire highlights how Covid-19 has impacted communities in Zimbabwe who were already facing significant challenges due to climate change and food insecurity. We hear the story of Thandekile and her two children, and how Covid has had a devastating impact on their family. Trocaire Boxes are available at the back of our church, if you have not already picked one up.


If you haven’t already done so, you may like to create a Lenten Sacred Space in your home. If there are children in your home, involve them in creating it. Purple is the penitential colour, so you may wish to use purple material as your backdrop, if you have some. You could have a crucifix or, perhaps, a cross made from wood/twigs that children gather; your Trocaire box or a little basket for coins (representing almsgiving) could be part of it, and a prayer book/bible, representing prayer. Sacrifice In Lent, in the form of fast or ‘going off’ some food or pleasure is another Lenten tradition: children could be encouraged to place a written note on the sacred space of their particular Lenten promise / sacrifice. Send us in a photo of your Sacred Space for our parish Facebook page.


The neighbouring parishes of Camus (Strabane), Leckpatrick, Melmount, Sion Mills and ourselves, Clonleigh, are joining together to provide a Lenten programme of Masses, Lenten Devotions and Confessions with Penitential Services:

Masses: 7.00am Mass is celebrated in St Mary’s, Melmount, and in the Immaculate Conception, Strabane, each morning of Lent (Monday – Friday) for those who wish to attend an early morning Mass as part of their Lenten observances.

Today (Sunday 6 March), a half hour of Prayer and Lenten Devotions will take place in each of the five parish churches, at 5.00pm, on the theme of Reconciliation, with a priest from one of the other parishes leading the reflection and prayers in each church. Fr Gerry Sweeney, PP Leckpatrick, will lead the Devotions in our church. I encourage you to come along at 5.00pm, if you can, for this half hour of Lenten prayer and reflection. Parents are encouraged to bring their children along.

Penitential Services: the first of these will be held here in St Patrick’s next Sunday, 13 March, at 5.00pm, with the neighbouring priests available to hear Confessions.
Confessions will also be heard each Saturday of Lent in our church, from 11.00am – 12.00noon.


This week, as follows, starting at 11.00am each day:

Monday (7 March): Ballindrait, Tober, Cloughfin
Wednesday (9 March): Rossgier, Coolatee, Porthall, Cavan Hill
Thursday (10 March): Murlog, Lifford, Coneyburrow
Friday (11 March): Letterkenny Road, Croaghan Heights

I would be grateful if family members or neighbours could let those whom they know to be visited aware of the arrangements, if possible. If there is anyone who is normally part of the visitation but does not wish to be visited for any reason, please let me know. Likewise, if there is anyone who is not normally visited but would like to be visited, please let me know and I will be more than happy to bring you the Eucharist. Please note: I will wear a face covering, use sanitiser and observe all the recommended Covid precautions, during visitation. Fr Colm.


Meetings take place in St Theresa’s Church, Sion Mills, each Monday at 7.00pm Non-members are welcome to come along to take part in the Rosary, especially during Lent.


You are invited to join the Pope John Paul II Award Youth Pilgrimage to Knock on Tuesday 22 March, starting 11.00am, concluding after 2.30pm Mass, celebrated by Bishop McKeown. Join youth from all over Ireland in a day of prayer, talks and music. Guest speaker Fr Peter McVerry. Music by Elation Ministries. For transport information, tel 048 71264087, or email


Monthly Evening for Bereaved Parents, this Thursday, 10 March, at 7.30pm in the Raddison Blu, Letterkenny. This event is free; open to all bereaved parents, regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of death, or whether the death was recent. Anam Cara also offers an online service. Tel 085 288 8888.

RINKA Kids Fitness Classes:

Community Centre, Lifford, every Thursday: 5pm for age 3-5 and 6pm for age 5-12. Booking essential, to secure a place. Contact Eibhlin on 086 8473188 or Facebook RINKA kids fitness with Eibhlin.

LIFFORD MEN’S SHED / CLONLEIGH COMMUNITY GROUP, having expressed interest in occupying part of the former Boyagh School premises, to accommodate their increasing needs, are hosting an Open Day at the school premises next Saturday, 12 March, 12noon – 2pm. Suggestions for the future possibilities and community use of the premises for some of the rooms will be welcome. It would, indeed, be great to see the school premises occupied; long-term lease of the premises, while completely upholding the responsibilities and obligations of the parish, as owner of the property, would be ideal. If you would like to see the premises as they are and share or hear opinions about the possibilities for the future, then please come along to the Open Day. Thank you.


 Thursday 17 March – Feast Day of our Patron Saint, St Patrick

 Saturday 26 March: Sacrament of Confirmation in our parish

 Saturday 21 May: First Holy Communion in our parish

 Monday 13 June, at 7.00pm: Blessing of Graves in our parish

 Sunday 19 June, Feast of Corpus Christi:
Corpus Christi Procession for the First Holy Communion Children of our parish.


Please continue to pray our Parish Prayer:

God our Father, pour forth Your Holy Spirit on our parish.
Guide us in Your ways, grant us Your vision.
Be our wisdom.
Open our hearts and minds to Your Holy Word,
strengthen us with the Holy Eucharist, our food for the journey.
Help us to be people of prayer, trusting in Your constant presence in the challenges that we face.
With Your help, may our parish always be a place where Your love is known, Your light shines
and our parish families grow together in faith and mission. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

St Patrick, pray for us.

Sunday’s Mass Readings

You can access the Readings on our parish website:

Sunday’s Mass Readings

I hope that having the Readings available on our parish website is also helpful to our Scripture readers, for the purpose of checking them out in advance. The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.


You can donate to the Church via The Parish Envelopes or by Standing Order. Download this easy to fill form: Standing Order Form – & send to or email the Parish Office:


Parish Contact Details:

Parish Priest: Fr Colm O’Doherty Parochial House: 074-9142022
Mobile: 0833665530

Parish Office – Secretary: Lorna Porter @ 074-9142001


Parish website:

Follow us on Twitter:  @clonleighparish

Find us on Facebook:. Clonleigh Parish

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Join us on WhatsApp !


The Derry Diocesan Liaison Person, to whom any safeguarding concerns or allegations should be
communicated is: Ms Marie Gormley, Email: Tel: 0044 7596 500 793