In this month of November, when we remember in a special way for those who have gone before us in faith, we are reminded in the Scripture readings that death is not an end, but a new beginning, in the fullness of life with God. As a people of faith and hope, we pray:
God of all the living, in the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
You gave us the life which even death cannot destroy.
Keep us, Your children of the resurrection,
faithful to Your ways on our pilgrim journey so that, when the time comes,
we will live in the glory of eternal life in Your heavenly home. This we ask, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 10.00am. Friday, 7.00pm: Month’s Mind, Gwen Crawford
Tuesday: 9.30am
Rosary commences 20 minutes before Mass (morning Masses)
Saturday: Vigil Mass, 6.30pm. Sunday morning: Mass at 9.00am and 11.00am
For those who are unable to come out to church, all our Masses continue to be available on our parish webcam:
and our 11.00am Mass is also broadcast live each Sunday on Finn Valley Radio, 95.8FM
Billy McGavigan, late of Edenmore, Lifford
As a parish faith community, we offer our sympathy and our prayerful support to Ashlene, Liam, Ciarán, Clorah, Naomi, Nicola and Dean, to Lila, to the grandchildren, to Graiine and to the wider family circle and friends of Billy, whose Funeral Mass took place in St Patrick’s on Saturday. May he rest in peace.
Friday 11 November, 7.00pm: Month’s Mind, Gwen Crawford, Glynford, Lifford
Saturday 12 November, 6.30pm: Kathleen & Gerry Crawford, Glenview, Porthall
Sunday 13 November,11.00am: Marie Breslin, Glenfad.
We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace:
Ruby Hynes, Argery; Hughie & Myra Crawford, Coolatee; Helena Crawford, Coolatee; Tanya Sweeney, Drumkeen Denis & Ellen Doherty, Glenties; Susan Carlin, Glenfad; Annie Brennan, Strabane; Joe Gormley, Birdstown Hugo Rooney, Croaghan Heights; Lila Doherty, Ardnasool; Aidan Foley, Rossgier; Joan McElchar, Ballylast Angus Stewart, The Roughan; Kathleen Patton, Coneyburrow; Peter Devine, Strabane; Brigid Masterson, Legandara.
THANK YOU for your generosity in last week’s collection, which amounted to €1,771. Thank you also for further contributions to the Mission Sunday collection, which amounted to £362.
PLEASE NOTE: The ‘Donate’ button which was introduced to our parish website after the start of the Covid pandemic (when the churches were closed), to facilitate people in making contributions to the parish, has now been removed. The fees payable by the parish to the provider for the facility were proving costly, hence the decision to cease this method of contributing. You can still use the Donate button to set up a Standing Order or to pick up a box of envelopes, or contact Lorna in the parish office. Thank you.
Confirmation: Saturday 11 March, at 11.00am. First Holy Communion: Saturday 13 May, at 11.00am.
Please note that, from today onwards, for the winter months,
the church will close each evening at 4.30pm.
NOVEMBER SACRED SPACE & PRAYER INTENTIONS IN THE CHURCH: Our Liturgy working-group has created a very beautiful and meaningful Sacred Space at the back of our church for Month of the Holy Souls. You are invited to write out and bring along the names of your deceased relatives and friends, and place these in the box that you will find in the Sacred Space. They will be remembered during our Masses in November. You might also like to light a candle in the church in memory of your loved ones.
‘REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER’ SACRED SPACE IN OUR HOMES: You are invited to create a Sacred Space in your home for November, in memory of our deceased family members and friends. Your Sacred Space might include some of the following: photographs or memorial cards, a little box or basket with the names of family members or friends who have died, a crucifix, rosary beads, holy water, a candle (taking care with it, of course!). Autumn leaves might be gathered; perhaps some purple material (if you have some) could be used to help create and adorn your Sacred Space. Parents, in particular, are asked to involve their children in creating Sacred Space in the home for November.
NOVEMBER PLEDGE: If you drink alcohol, is this something you might consider? Many people choose to abstain from alcohol for the month of November and offer this prayerful act in honour of their deceased loved ones or for someone they know or love with an addiction. Visit
DIOCESAN MASS FOR DECEASED CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE: The Annual Mass for deceased children and young people will be celebrated in St Eugene’s Cathedral, Derry, this evening, Sunday, 6 November, at 7.00pm. All are welcome. You can also join this Mass live on the St Eugene’s Cathedral webcam. If you would like to have a child or young person remembered at this Mass, please email the name to .
CEMETERY COLLECTION: There is a special envelope in your envelope box for this collection for this weekend. This collection will go towards the routine costs of the upkeep of our graveyard. Thank you to those who maintain our graveyards to such a high standard, to everyone for keeping your loved-ones’ graves so well, and special thanks to those who care for graves where there is no-one to look after them.
DONEGAL ETB’s 2022 Further Education and Training Fair:
You are invited to this event in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Letterkenny on Wednesday 23 November, from 7.00-9.00pm, or on Thursday 24 November, from 10.00am to 2.00pm. The Fair is open to everyone who would like information on the wide range of full time, part-time, evening and online education and training opportunities offered by Donegal ETB’s FET Service. Tutors and advisers will be available to talk through the ETB’s comprehensive range of opportunities. For more information, tel 074 9178088 or email Check Website
QUMEN: On Wednesday, All Souls Day, me and my mum went to the church and I put into the prayer intentions box in the special Sacred Space the names of the people we loved who have died. I helped my mum remember all the names and to write them out on a page.
KATH: So what was that all about?
QUMEN: Well, November is a special month for praying for the dead, and the Sacred Space is a special Prayer Corner that some people created to help us to remember to pray for all the people we know who have died.
At Mass every week, the priest leads prayers for the dead. He calls out the names of people who died recently and people whose anniversary it is. At the Masses in November, he also includes a prayer for those whose names are in the prayer intentions box.
What’s more, Kath, it tells you in Grapevine how to set up a special Prayer Corner in your house. Me and my mum did that and I put a photo of my Granda, and our neighbour who died, on it. Mum lights the candle and we pray for them.
KATH: I’d like to do all those things too. I must tell my mum, because she misses my Gran very much and I can tell her about how we can pray for her in such special ways.
KATH: & QUMEN: Maybe some day we’ll be the people setting up the Sacred Space in the church!
Do This In Memory:
Do This In Memory: Hello, boys and girls. Just two weeks till our next Do This In Memory Mass, when we will be remembering, in a special way, our family members, neighbours and friends who have died. Qumen seems to be very tuned in to November being a special month when we pray for all whom we have loved and have died. He has helped his mum to set up a special Prayer Corner, a Sacred Space, in their house, to help them pray for their loved ones who have died.
Hopefully you will be a great help to your parents in setting up a Sacred Space in your house and in helping your parents to remember all the people you knew and loved who have died. We pray:
‘Eternal rest grant on to them, O Lord. May they rest in peace.’
Access the Readings on our parish website:
The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.
The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.
Parish Contact Details:
Parish Priest: Fr Colm O’Doherty Parochial House: 074-9142022
Mobile: 0833665530
Parish Office – Secretary: Lorna Porter @ 074-9142001
Parish website:
Follow us on Twitter: @clonleighparish
Find us on Facebook:. Clonleigh Parish
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