Parish Newsletter for Christmas 2023

SUNDAY 24th December 2023:


Mary, our blessed Mother, is the focus of the Gospel on this fourth Sunday of Advent, when we hear St Luke’s account of the Annunciation. God, through the angel Gabriel, gradually revealed to Mary, a humble young woman, her extraordinary mission in life, a unique role in God’s plan for salvation as the mother of Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah.

We pray today: O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.


Sunday 24 December, Christmas Eve: Vigil Mass, 7.00pm
Monday 25 December, Christmas Day:
Dawn Mass, 7.30am. Christmas Day Mass, 10.00am

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, 10.00am

(The Rosary is normally recited by the congregation 20 minutes prior to the midweek morning Mass). As always, you are invited to come along to this special time of parish prayer
and blessing in our church.

Saturday: Vigil Mass, 6.30pm.

Sunday: Mass at 10.00am

All Masses are livestreamed on our webcam; 10.00am Mass on Sunday is broadcast by Finn Valley Radio, 95.8FM



We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace:

Ray Jarrett, Tober; Susan Arthur, Townparks; Tommy & Elizabeth Doherty, Porthall; Kathleen Montague, Strabane Isobel Hoare/McGettigan, Tamnawood; Pauline McCallion, Cavan; Patrick Gallagher, Sheercloon; Kathleen Porter, The Common; Pat McGirr, Drumbuoy; Elizabeth Caulfield, Gallows Lane; Sean Carberry, Drumleen
Caroline McBride, Croaghan Heights; Margaret Ann Patton, Carrigans; Sarah Kelly, Butcher Street
William Lynch, Coneyburrow; Vincent Crawford Snr , Porthall; Helen McDonald, Trimagh.


Tuesday 26 December, 10.00am: Sean Carberry, Drumleen
Wednesday 27 December, 10.00am: Caroline McBride, Croaghan Heights
Saturday 30 December, 6.30pm:
Betty McColgan, The Common – Month’s Mind Mass; John Dooher, Coneyburrow Rd, Patrick Dooher, Boyagh
Sunday 31 December, 10.00am: Thomas & Elizabeth Quinn, The Roughan; Mary McCahill, Ramelton.

THANK YOU as always for your generosity in last week’s collection, which amounted to €1,880.00


We welcome the First Holy Communion children to our 10.00am Mass today. We pray that as the children continue in their preparation to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time the blessings of the Christ-Child will be with them and their families.

On this Fourth Sunday of Advent we light the fourth candle of the Advent Wreath,
representing Peace:

God of Peace, in a troubled world where there is
suffering and strife, conflict and war, we pray for peace.
We also pray for inner peace, that our minds and bodies will be calm
and at peace in the knowledge that You are about to come to us.
Without inner peace, we know there can be no global peace,
so we look to you, Lord, for your love and direction to calm ourselves
and be instruments of peace in the world. Amen.

Dear Parishioners,

The month of December, as we all know, is filled with Christmas colour, glitz, noise and busyness, and it seems to build, year on year. We thank God for all the joy that this brings. Meanwhile, the Church, in its solemn purple colours, has been journeying through the Season of Advent in December, to prepare us all for the real reason of our Christmas joy, the real reason for our celebrations – the gift of Jesus – God made man / Word made flesh, and the knowledge that He is a constant presence in our lives.
Family traditions are very much a part of Christmas. While attending weekly Mass – Celebration of the Eucharist – is no longer a part of many people’s routine, thankfully, attending Mass and visiting the Crib at Christmas remains a ‘tradition’ for many families. It is always lovely to see families attend Mass together. My wish this Christmas is that many more families in our parish will come along to our Sunday celebration of Mass each weekend – to our Saturday Vigil at 6.30pm or Sunday at 10.00am. Handing on the faith to our children is the greatest gift that we can give them, the greatest gift we owe them. I pray that our parish and our lovely church will always be a place of welcome for everyone. I thank God for the gift of our parish faith community – for the bonds, encouragement, support and welcome that it provides for all of us.
The ‘growth’ of the Baptism Tree in our church provides a visual sign of new life in our parish throughout the year. I pray that the witness of all of us this coming year will bring fresh branches and shoots of faith, fresh understanding of God’s love for us and appreciation of Jesus’ presence in our lives. I pray that, together, we will grow in faith and mission in our Jubilee Year ahead.

Christmas is of course a time when we remember in a special way our family members who are no longer with us, especially those who have died in the past year. We remember them and we offer our continued prayerful support to those who have been bereaved this year. May those who have died rest in peace. We remember in a special way all those who suffer from any form of sickness or have any concern about their health – we keep them in our daily prayer.

I take this opportunity to thank you all very much for your support of our parish throughout this past year. As always, thank you for your ongoing, faithful financial support of the parish, on which we depend so much for the many routine costs of running the parish.
Thank you to all who give so generously of their time, knowledge, ability and talents to the various aspects and ministries of our parish life – the liturgical, pastoral, administrative and ‘practical’ life of the parish – not just the roles we see and hear but the ones that we don’t see or may not even think of. Thank you to one and all for your commitment to your parish and for your support of my role in our parish. All of us are indebted to our Solas (FÁS) workers, who do such fantastic work for us throughout the year and, indeed, we are indebted to the Solas management team who are so willing to facilitate us.

Sincere thanks, as always, to our parish staff, Hugh and Lorna, for their ongoing loyalty and support.

On a personal note, thank you sincerely for your cards, good wishes and generosity to me at Christmas and for your kindness and friendship throughout the year. Special thanks for your prayers. I can assure you of my prayer for you at all times and I pray that the peace, joy, and true meaning of Christmas will be at the heart of your homes and families as we celebrate the Birth of Jesus. Happy Christmas to one and all! May 2024, our parish Jubilee Year, be one of joy for you.

Happy Christmas and may the blessings of the Christ Child be upon you all. Fr Colm.

Please note, there will be no parish newsletter next weekend.

Sunday’s Mass Readings

Access the Readings on our parish website:

Sunday’s Mass Readings

The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.

The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.


Parish Contact Details:

Parish Priest: Fr Colm O’Doherty Parochial House: 074-9142022
Mobile: 0833665530

Parish Office – Secretary: Lorna Porter @ 074-9142001


Parish website:

Follow us on X:  @clonleighparish

Find us on Facebook:. Clonleigh Parish

If you have any concerns about safeguarding children or adults in need of protection within the Church, please contact Marie Gormley, the Diocesan Designated Liaison Person, on 07596 500793 or by email on