Parish Newsletter for Sunday 26th May 2024

SUNDAY 26th May 2024:

J U B I L E E  Y E A R  2 0 2 4

St Patrick, pray for us.


Please note: there will be no Mass in our parish this week on
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, as I will be attending the
annual Diocesan Retreat for Priests.  Apologies for inconvenience.

FRIDAY Rosary, 9.40am Mass, 10.00am

SATURDAY Vigil Mass, 6.30pm

SUNDAY Mass, 10.00am

(The Rosary is normally recited by the congregation 20 minutes prior to the midweek morning Mass). As always, you are invited to come along to this special time of parish prayer
and blessing in our church.

All Masses are livestreamed on our webcam; 10.00am Mass on Sunday is broadcast by Finn Valley Radio, 95.8FM



We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace:

Thelma Coyle, Townparks;  Hugh & Catherine Devine, Strabane;  Jacinta Kelly, Gallows Lane
Frances Woods, Ballymonaster;  Letita Crotty, Coneyburrow;  Joe Brennan, Strabane
Cassie Melaugh, Croaghan Heights.


Saturday 1 June, 6.30pm:  Month’s Mind Mass for Patrick Stewart, Croaghan Heights.

THANK YOU for your generosity in last week’s collection, which amounted to €1,817.  Thank you also to those who contribute by Standing Order and online.

SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS will be celebrated on the First Friday of June, 7 June. Starting next Friday morning (31 May), we will recite a special Novena Prayer to the Sacred Heart each day at Mass. June, as we know, is a special month of dedication to the Sacred Heart. Each of us have special prayer intentions in our hearts and these special days of Novena Prayer will be an opportunity to turn to the Sacred Heart, praying, as we do: “Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.”

SINCERE THANKS to all who have contributed to date to our Jubilee Collection. It is very much appreciated! Jubilee Contribution Envelopes continue to be available at the entrances to our church. If you would like to contribute to the costs attached to our Jubilee Year celebrations, please pick up an envelope over the coming days / weeks. You can return it, at your convenience, via the weekly collection basket, to the sacristy or to the Parochial House. Thank you!

FRIENDS OF LIFFORD COMMUNITY HOSPITAL will hold their AGM this Tuesday, 28 May, at 7.00pm in the Old Court House, The Diamond, Lifford. Everyone is welcome.

SCALP WALK, supporting Concern Worldwide, will take place next Sunday 2 June, at 2.00pm. The route will be signposted from Burnfoot, Co Donegal. This is a moderately challenging walk of 6.8 km and 309m ascent.


The final Sunday of the Do This In Memory programme is next Sunday, 2 June – Feast of Corpus Christi (the Body and Blood of Christ), at our 10.00am Mass. The children will be invited to participate in our Corpus Christi procession. They are asked, please, to wear their First Holy Communion outfit for this special occasion. Weather permitting, we will have an outside procession, which I will lead, carrying the Blessed Sacrament. We look forward welcoming the children!
BLESSING OF THE GRAVES will take place on Monday 3 June, at 7.00pm. Please bring rosary beads and each family should bring a small bottle of holy water. If you do not have holy water, please bring a small container and holy water will be available for your use, outside the church. Each family is also invited to come along (beforehand, if you can), and light a candle in the church for your loved one(s). I very much look forward to this occasion in our parish when, in time-honoured tradition, we join as families to pray for the happy repose of the souls of our loved ones.
A collection will be taken up on the evening which will go towards the costs attached to the upkeep of our graveyards and grounds. Your generosity to this collection will be very much appreciated.


Our next Jubilee event is a Presentation on the History of the Parish and its surrounds, on Wednesday 12 June, 7.30pm, in Murlog National School, when we will welcome Belinda Mahaffey, who has very kindly offered to come along for what should be a very interesting evening. Please spread the word, especially with family and friends who would have an interest in local church history. There will be a cup of tea awaiting everyone on arrival!


The sick and housebound of our parish are always in our thoughts and prayers and, as part of our Jubilee celebrations, we will have a special Mass and Anointing of the Sick, for all who can come along, on Monday 24 June, 7.00pm. Please let your family member, neighbour or friend know of this Mass. Help will be available at the church on the evening for those who have mobility issues. We look forward to this special occasion in the life of our parish in our Jubilee year.

NAOMH PADRAIG LEIFEAR has a new website and App to enable you to keep you updated with what’s going on at the Club. The website address is It has all the latest news, fixtures, results and the Club lotto can be done here online. You can also download the Clubzap App from the Playstore or the Apple store to your mobile. For people who previously played the lotto online, please note, the club no longer uses Clubforce: you can play lotto online via the Clubzap website or App. Club Lotto takes place on Monday evenings.


Below is a snap-shot of the Jubilee events planned for the rest of the year; some details are yet to be confirmed.

 Jubilee Presentation on the History of the Parish and its surrounds by Belinda Mahaffey – Wednesday 12 June, 7.30pm, in Murlog National School

 Mass of Anointing of the Sick – Monday 24 June, 7.00pm

 Mass for the Irish Defence Forces – Friday 28 June, 11.00am; lunch in Parish Community Centre

 Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes – 1 – 5 July

 Family of Families Jubilee Barbecue at Parish Community Centre – Saturday or Sunday 27/28 July, TBC

 Parish Pilgrimage to Knock – Saturday 3 August

 Mass to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the Parish of Clonleigh – Sunday 25 August. Celebrant Archbishop Eamon Martin, followed by refreshments and entertainment in Clonleigh Social Centre

 Jubilee Walk to the Old Clonleigh Graveyard – September: finer details to be confirmed

 Celebration of our parish schools – October: finer details to be confirmed

 Annual Mass for the Dead – Monday 4 November, 7.00pm, with special remembrance of those who have died in the past sixty years

 Nativity Concert – Sunday 15 December, 7.00pm. A date not to be missed – put it in your diary!


The first World Children’s Day is being celebrated in Rome this weekend. The Pope has sent a Message to all the children of the world. In the closing words of his Message, Pope Francis reminds all the children that, “God has loved us from all eternity” and invites them to join him in this prayer:

Come, Holy Spirit, show us Your beauty, reflected in the faces of children all over the world.
Come, Jesus, You who makes all things new, You who are the way that leads us to the Father,
Come and remain with us always. Amen.


Lord, pour out your Spirit of wisdom on all students doing exams at this time.
Help them to remain calm, to attend carefully to the questions asked,
to think clearly, to remember accurately and to express themselves well.
Grant that they may reflect the best of the work they have done and the best of the teaching they received.
May your love be upon them, O Lord, as they place all their trust in You. Amen.

Sunday’s Mass Readings

Access the Readings on our parish website:

Sunday’s Mass Readings

The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.

The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.


Parish Contact Details:

Parish Priest: Fr Colm O’Doherty Parochial House: 074-9142022
Mobile: 0833665530

Parish Office – Secretary: Lorna Porter @ 074-9142001


Parish website:

Follow us on X:  @clonleighparish

Find us on Facebook:. Clonleigh Parish

If you have any concerns about safeguarding children or adults in need of protection within the Church, please contact Marie Gormley, the Diocesan Designated Liaison Person, on 07596 500793 or by email on