Parish Newsletter for Sunday 9th June 2024

SUNDAY 9th June 2024:

J U B I L E E  Y E A R  2 0 2 4

St Patrick, pray for us.


MONDAY Rosary, 9.40am Mass, 10.00am

TUESDAY Rosary, 9.10am Mass, 9.30am

WEDNESDAY Rosary, 9.40am Mass, 10.00am

THURSDAY Rosary, 9.40am Mass, 10.00am


SATURDAY Vigil Mass, 6.30pm

SUNDAY Mass, 10.00am

(The Rosary is normally recited by the congregation 20 minutes prior to the midweek morning Mass). As always, you are invited to come along to this special time of parish prayer
and blessing in our church.

All Masses are livestreamed on our webcam; 10.00am Mass on Sunday is broadcast by Finn Valley Radio, 95.8FM



We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace:

Danny Matthewson, Gortin North;  Bridget Crawford, Porthall;  Danny Gamble, Rossgier
William Harte, Corner House;  Agnes McCallion, Coneyburrow;  Margaret Donnelly, Liskey
Sean Gallagher, Croaghan Heights.

THANK YOU for your generosity in last week’s collection, the amount of which will be published next weekend.  Thank you also to those who contribute by Standing Order and online. 
Our Jubilee collection envelopes continue to be available at the doors of the church for all who would like to make a contribution at some stage over the course of the year.  This collection will go towards the costs attached to our jubilee celebrations this year.  Thank you.

LEAVERS MASS for the 6th Class children will be celebrated in our church on Wednesday 19 June, at 1.30pm, in St Patrick’s Church. Parents, grandparents and family members are invited to attend this Mass, offering our prayerful support to our 6th Class children, who will embark in a new chapter in their young lives in the new school year. Everyone in the parish community is welcome to attend.

THANK YOU very much to all who came along to Our Lady’s Grotto, Porthall, on the evening of Monday 24 May to pray the Rosary. It was a lovely occasion and, as always, great to see so many families, and the different generations, gathered together in prayer, in honour of Our Lady. The Grotto is always looking lovely but was especially beautiful on that evening. We are blessed to have such a lovely place of sanctity and peace in our parish. Sincere thanks to those who did so much preparation work in the background. Thank you to those who helped on the evening, and to An Garda Síochána for traffic control and helping to keep everyone safe.
I was honoured to be invited to plant a rose bush at the Grotto on the evening to mark its 70th anniversary – its Platinum Jubilee! Well done and thank you to everyone involved.
We wish our Parish Choir members, who are taking a break for the summer, a well-earned rest. Thank you for your dedication to your ministry and for your valuable contribution to our 10am Masses throughout the year. We offer our renewed thanks to Grace and Rachel too, for their great contribution to the choir over the years. Sincere thanks to those who have ‘stepped in’ to play the organ for the choir since Rachel’s departure. It is much appreciated.

THANK YOU to everyone who came along to our Blessing of the Graves on Monday evening. It was a very special time of prayer for our parish in this, our Jubilee year. It was lovely to see so many people – parishioners and those who travelled – gather together to prayerfully honour your loved ones who have died.
I am very grateful to everyone who helped in any way, both on the evening and in advance of the event. I am particularly grateful to the stewards, who did a great job in helping everyone to get parked and keeping everyone safe. Sincere thanks to the groundsmen, who do such sterling work, not just for Blessing of the Graves, but throughout the year. Thank you to Michael Kielty and Amanda for providing the sound. As always, thanks to our sacristan, Hugh, for making sure everything is in order. The united efforts of everyone resulted in a lovely, prayerful ceremony for everyone.
Thank you to those who took up the gate-collection and to you all, for your generosity to the collection, which goes towards the costs attached to the upkeep of our graveyards and grounds. The amount contributed will be published next weekend.

THANK YOU to all the children who came along for our Corpus Christi procession last week and helped make our Mass for the Feast of Corpus Christi so special. Special thanks to the parents for ensuring your child was able to participate in the Eucharistic Procession.



Everyone is warmly invited to come along to Murlog NS this Wednesday, 12 June, 7.30pm, to hear Belinda Mahaffey’s presentation. Belinda has very kindly offered to do this presentation as part of our Jubilee celebrations. Please make family members and friends who would have an interest in local church history aware of this event. There will be a cup of tea awaiting everyone on arrival!


MASS AND ANOINTING OF THE SICK, Monday 24 June, 7.00pm:

Please let your family member, neighbour or friend know of this Mass. Help will be available at the church on the evening for those who have any mobility issues. We look forward to this special occasion. Over and above those who suffer from any form of physical sickness / illness, anointing will also be available to anyone who seeks healing of any kind in their lives at this time, spiritually, psychologically, emotionally.
This will also be an evening for remembering in prayer all who care for the sick in any capacity – at home, in their neighbourhood, in hospital, in nursing/care homes – that God will bless and reward them in their vocation.


MASS OF THANKSGIVING AND REMEMBRANCE FOR THE IRISH DEFENCE FORCES, Friday 28 June, 11.00am, followed by refreshments in the Parish Community Centre, provided by the 28th Battalion Catering Corps. In this Jubilee year for our parish, this Mass is being celebrated to acknowledge the service given to our community by the members of the Irish Defence Forces over the years. In attendance will be officers and service men and women of 28th Infantry Battalion, who will form a guard of honour beginning at 10.30am, as well as members of the various army associations. The 28th Infantry Battalion Pipe Band will also be in attendance, playing ahead of the Mass. We invite all families of those who are presently serving or who formerly served in the Army to come along to this special occasion and, indeed, everyone in the parish is most welcome to come along.


Parishioners are invited to join Bishop McKeown, who will lead the annual Diocesan Lough Derg pilgrimage, from Friday 26 July – Sunday 28 July. Open to age 16+. For those for whom it is convenient, a bus from Derry will travel via Lifford and Ballybofey. Cost of the pilgrimage, including bus transport, £80. Cost without transport £70 (€80). You are welcome to make your own way there are meet the pilgrims at Lough Derg. If availing of the bus transport, booking is essential: contact Tony Brennan on or tel the Diocesan Office on 048 71262302.


Saturday 3 August. Luxury Coach with Ayton Travel, leaving the church carpark at 7.30am. Cost: €30 including bus and evening meal. To book, tel James on 085 8767999 or Louise on 086 0567455. It is hoped that, in this Jubilee Year for our parish, many parishioners will join in our pilgrimage to Knock, where I will celebrate Mass, in the Apparition Church, at 12.30pm.

In this month of special devotion to the Sacred Heart,
we place all our cares and worries in the hands of the Sacred Heart:
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.


Below is a snap-shot of the Jubilee events planned for the rest of the year; some details are yet to be confirmed.

 Jubilee Presentation on the History of the Parish and its surrounds by Belinda Mahaffey – Wednesday 12 June, 7.30pm, in Murlog National School

 Mass of Anointing of the Sick – Monday 24 June, 7.00pm

 Mass for the Irish Defence Forces – Friday 28 June, 11.00am; lunch in Parish Community Centre

 Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes – 1 – 5 July

 Family of Families Jubilee Barbecue at Parish Community Centre – Saturday or Sunday 27/28 July, TBC

 Parish Pilgrimage to Knock – Saturday 3 August

 Mass to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the Parish of Clonleigh – Sunday 25 August. Celebrant Archbishop Eamon Martin, followed by refreshments and entertainment in Clonleigh Social Centre

 Jubilee Walk to the Old Clonleigh Graveyard – September: finer details to be confirmed

 Celebration of our parish schools – October: finer details to be confirmed

 Annual Mass for the Dead – Monday 4 November, 7.00pm, with special remembrance of those who have died in the past sixty years

 Nativity Concert – Sunday 15 December, 7.00pm. A date not to be missed – put it in your diary!

Sunday’s Mass Readings

Access the Readings on our parish website:

Sunday’s Mass Readings

The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.

The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.


Parish Contact Details:

Parish Priest: Fr Colm O’Doherty Parochial House: 074-9142022
Mobile: 0833665530

Parish Office – Secretary: Lorna Porter @ 074-9142001


Parish website:

Follow us on X:  @clonleighparish

Find us on Facebook:. Clonleigh Parish

If you have any concerns about safeguarding children or adults in need of protection within the Church, please contact Marie Gormley, the Diocesan Designated Liaison Person, on 07596 500793 or by email on