Parish Newsletter for Sunday 11th August 2024

SUNDAY 11th August 2024:

J U B I L E E  Y E A R  2 0 2 4

St Patrick, pray for us.


MONDAY Rosary, 9.40am Mass, 10.00am

TUESDAY Rosary, 9.10am Mass, 9.30am

WEDNESDAY Rosary, 9.40am Mass, 10.00am

THURSDAY (Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary), Rosary, 9.40am Mass, 10.00am

FRIDAY Rosary, 9.40am Mass, 10.00am

SATURDAY Vigil Mass, 6.30pm

SUNDAY Mass, 10.00am

(The Rosary is normally recited by the congregation 20 minutes prior to the midweek morning Mass). As always, you are invited to come along to this special time of parish prayer
and blessing in our church.

All Masses are livestreamed on our webcam; The 10.00am Mass on Sunday is broadcast by Finn Valley Radio, 95.8FM one hour later at 11.00am


Kevin Gallagher, late of Cavan Hill, Lifford
As a parish faith community, we offer our sympathy and our prayerful support all who mourn the death of Kevin, whose Funeral Mass took place in St Patrick’s on Thursday: to Moira, to Emer (Conor), Siobhán (Sean) and, Kevin (Sinéad), to Margaret, Cathal, Jim, Michael and Adrian, and the wider family circle and friends of Kevin.  May he rest in peace.


We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace:

Hughie McCarthy, Croaghan Heights;  Gerry Cassidy, Coneyburrow Road;  Patrick Donnelly, Liskey;
Rita & John Tourish, Albert Terrace;  Raymond Gallagher, Drumnahaw; 
Anton Matthewson, Lurganshannagh;  Danny Cassidy, Lurganshannagh;  Charlie Gallagher, Coolatee;  Davy Crotty , Coneyburrow;  John & Sarah Ann Maguire, Backlands.

We pray for the happy repose of the souls of those recently enrolled in the Derry Diocesan Society:

Frances McGinley, Letterkenny Road; Helena Chaney, Gortin North; Patrick Stewart, Croaghan Heights; Frances Porter, Tober; Bridie O’Donnell, The Haw; Gillian Gallagher-Lynch, Tober.

THANK YOU for your generosity in last week’s collection, which amounted to £1,728.  Thank you also to those who contribute by Standing Order.
Sincere thanks also to those who have contributed recently to the Jubilee Collection envelope.  Your contributions are very gratefully received, and are a great help towards meeting the costs attached to our Jubilee Year celebrations.

FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY is celebrated on 15 August, Thursday of this week. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass in St Patrick’s at 10.00am.

On this Feast Day we celebrate Mary’s Assumption, body and soul, into heavenly glory, honouring the fullness and blessedness that was Mary’s destiny. The Assumption looks to eternity and gives us hope that we will follow Our Lady into eternal glory at the end of our earthly journey of faith.
Queen, Assumed into Heaven, pray for us.


Saturday 24 August: PARISH SUMMER FUN DAY: You and your families and friends are invited to come along to our Parish Fun Day on Saturday 24 August, at the Community Centre. On the day there will be:

Face Painting  Bouncy Castles  Games  Hot Food  Free Tuck Shop  Drinks (non-alcoholic)  Teas / Coffees  Music  Ice Creams  and lots more!!!

It will be a chance for everyone to meet up and have a good chat and celebrate our parish. Spread the word!!

Sunday 25 August: To mark the Golden Jubilee of the Parish of Clonleigh, we are delighted to welcome Archbishop Eamon Martin, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, who will celebrate a special Mass that day at 12.00noon, followed by refreshments in the Social Centre (Old bakery), Coneyburrow.

Please note: there will be no 10.00am Mass on Sunday 25 August.

Archbishop Eamon is a ‘classmate’ of mine from our days as seminarians in Maynooth and, indeed, a friend from childhood. We were ordained to priesthood together, in St Eugene’s Cathedral. It is providential that we, as a parish, had arranged for Archbishop Eamon to be with us on what will be my last Sunday and last jubilee celebration (as Parish Priest) in Clonleigh.

OUR JUBILEE PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK last Saturday was a very special and prayerful day. Sincere thanks to James and Louise this year again for all the work you put into making sure everything was organised so well. Thank you very much to all who came along and helped make it such a memorable day. A very special thank you to Ayton Travel who, once again, provided an outstanding service. It is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Jeremy, and thank you, Paul. Our pilgrimage was a day of great blessing for our parish. Thank you to one and all.


On Monday 26 August, at 7.00pm, I am offering a Mass of Thanksgiving in St Patrick’s Church, to mark the end of my five wonderful years of serving here in the Parish of Clonleigh.

The Celebration of the Eucharist is the best way in which I can acknowledge and express to you, the parishioners of Clonleigh, the honour which it has been for me to have journeyed with you in faith for five years and to say ‘Thank You’ to you for all that you have done during that time to strengthen all of us in faith and to build parish community. It has certainly been a time of great blessing for me and I hope that, in some small way, my time here has enriched your faith journey.

Everyone is welcome to our Mass on Monday 26 August, at 7.00pm! Fr Colm.

Sunday’s Mass Readings

Access the Readings on our parish website:

Sunday’s Mass Readings

The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.

The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.


Parish Contact Details:

Parish Priest: Fr Colm O’Doherty Parochial House: 074-9142022
Mobile: 0833665530

Parish Office – Secretary: Lorna Porter @ 074-9142001


Parish website:

Follow us on X:  @clonleighparish

Find us on Facebook:. Clonleigh Parish

If you have any concerns about safeguarding children or adults in need of protection within the Church, please contact Marie Gormley, the Diocesan Designated Liaison Person, on 07596 500793 or by email on