Parish Newsletter for Sunday 25th August 2024

SUNDAY 25th August 2024:

J U B I L E E  Y E A R  2 0 2 4

St Patrick, pray for us.


MONDAY Mass of Thanksgiving, 7.00pm

SATURDAY Vigil Mass, 6.30pm

SUNDAY Mass, 10.00am

Please note:
there is no Mass in St Patrick’s on Tue, Wed, Thurs or Fri of this week.

All Masses are livestreamed on our webcam; The 10.00am Mass on Sunday is broadcast by Finn Valley Radio, 95.8FM one hour later at 11.00am



We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace:

Stephen McBrearty, The Common;  Denis Browne, The Diamond;  Wilma Dolan, Cloughfin
Edward Crawford, Porthall;  May Friel Curraghalane;  Hughie McDaid, Curraghalane
Michael McElroy, Strabane;  Paddy Boyle, Guystown;  Paddy Murray, Liscooley;  Donna Gallagher, Tober.


Kevin Gallagher, Cavan Hill – Month’s Mind Mass;  Philomena Gallagher, Guystown
Sunday 1 September, 10.00am: Harry Patton, Coneyburrow.

THANK YOU for your generosity in last week’s collection, which amounted to £1,706.  Thank you also to those who contribute by Standing Order.

WELCOME TODAY to Archbishop Eamon Martin, who is celebrating our 12.00noon Mass, marking the Golden Jubilee of the Parish of Clonleigh. I am delighted to have Archbishop Eamon joining us for this very special occasion in our parish.
After Mass, there are refreshments in the Social Centre (Old bakery), Coneyburrow, where everyone will have the opportunity to meet with Archbishop Eamon. Everyone is welcome.

PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYER our young parishioners, family members and friends who have received examination results and are starting the next phase of their education or seeking/starting employment: may they be guided by the Holy Spirit in the choices that they make. Mary, Seat of Wisdom, pray for us.


We pray God’s blessing on all our National and second-level school children as they commence the new school year, remembering especially those who are just starting school and those who are just entering second-level education this year. We pray too for our teachers and ancillary staff.

LOUGH DERG – One-Day Retreats have resumed: August: Sat 31; September: Wed 4 | Sat 7 | Tue 10 | Sat 14 | Sun 15 | Sat 21 | Sun 22. Visit Cost €45. Booking essential.

Dear Friends,

When I ‘penned’ my Christmas 2023 Message to you, it did not cross my mind that, just eight months later, I would find myself ‘putting pen to paper’ again to write a Farewell Message. However, as you know, I was asked last month by Bishop McKeown to take up the post of Parish Priest of Moville which, sadly, means me saying farewell to you and to the parish.

First and foremost, I want to say that it has been a great privilege for me to serve here in this lovely parish of Clonleigh and I am grateful to Bishop McKeown for having entrusted such a great parish to my care for five years. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. It has been personally rewarding and enriching for me but, more importantly, I hope that, in some small way, I have helped and encouraged you on your faith journey. You have certainly energised and inspired me in my ministry and it been a great blessing for me to have worked with you in building parish community and growing in faith together. I want to thank you all very much for your support of our parish, in so many different ways, and for your support, guidance and encouragement to me. Thank you to all who have given so generously of their time, knowledge, ability and talents to the various aspects, ministries and prayer-life of our parish in these past five years. I know that you will continue to work to make this parish a better place for the future generations of faith. A special word of appreciation to our two great altar-boys.

A couple of our years together were, of course, ‘interrupted’ by the church closures and isolations caused by the Covid pandemic, starting just six months after I came here. None of us could have imagined how the years 2020 and 2021 would turn out and I certainly never envisaged celebrating Mass in our lovely church with no in-person congregation. Despite this, you remained constant in your support and encouragement and I thank you for that. Technology, especially our parish webcam, kept us connected in prayer throughout the upheaval.

I want to thank the principals, staff and children of our three schools for making me so welcome at all times. It was always a pleasure to visit the schools and to work with you. I wish the boys and girls every blessing in the new school year and best of luck to the 6th-Class children in your new school. Thank you also to the members of the Boards of Management in our three schools.

Visitation of the Sick and Housebound each month has been a very special part of my ministry. I always looked forward to my visits and, again, I want to thank you all for your welcome to me into your homes. It is always a privilege, of course, to bring the Eucharist to those who cannot come out to church and, indeed, a privilege to witness your welcome of Jesus in the Eucharist.

In these past five years many families in our parish have suffered bereavements. May your loved ones rest in peace. I thank you for allowing me to accompany you on your journey of grief and loss.

We had, of course, occasions of great joy, including Baptisms, Marriages, First Holy Communions and Confirmations and, again, it was a privilege for me to be with you and your families at these important milestones in your lives. It was always lovely seeing the Baptism Tree grow!

Thank you to the parish staff, Lorna and Hugh, for your support and loyalty, and for trying to keep me right!

I really have been blessed to enjoy great kindness and friendship in Clonleigh. Thank you for your good wishes and very kind words to me at this time of change. I will miss you all but I do hope that I will see you again – you will always be welcome in Moville! It is, of course, a time of change for all of you. I wish Fr Michael, Fr Eddie and Fr Declan well as they commence their ministry in the new Pastoral Area of Clonleigh, Leckpatrick and Strabane. I know that they too will enjoy your welcome, support and encouragement. In particular, I wish Fr Eddie well in his new abode at 6 Orchard Park. I have greatly enjoyed my time there and I was blessed with having such kind and welcoming neighbours. Thank you, neighbours! My dog, Cody, says thank you as well and apologises for all the loud barking!

Our Jubilee celebrations this year have been great occasions and a great time of blessing for our parish. I hope that the remaining celebrations go well for you. I will continue to pray for you and I ask that you remember me in prayer also. May God bless you all,
Fr Colm.

Sunday’s Mass Readings

Access the Readings on our parish website:

Sunday’s Mass Readings

The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.

The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.


Parish Contact Details:

Parish Priest: Fr Colm O’Doherty Parochial House: 074-9142022
Mobile: 0833665530

Parish Office – Secretary: Lorna Porter @ 074-9142001


Parish website:

Follow us on X:  @clonleighparish

Find us on Facebook:. Clonleigh Parish

If you have any concerns about safeguarding children or adults in need of protection within the Church, please contact Marie Gormley, the Diocesan Designated Liaison Person, on 07596 500793 or by email on