Parish Newsletter for Christmas 2024

Parishes of Camus, Clonleigh and Leckpatrick

Fourth Sunday of Advent – Year C – 22nd December 2024

Parish Clergy 

Fr Michael McCaughey, PP:  (028) 71882274 / (028) 71883293

Fr Eddie Gallagher, CC: (074) 91 42022       Fr Declan Boland (priest in residence)

Email:; Website:

Email:; Website:

                       Email:; Website:


   About Her Glowed Such Joy

Mary is sometimes described as the first evangelist, as she was the first to bring the good news of Jesus to others.  In that first visit to Elizabeth, she becomes ‘the model for those in the church who set out to bring Christ’s light and joy to the people of every time and place’ (Pope St John Paul II).


The joy of that visit and its implications for us  are beautifully captured in Ruth Mary Fox’s poem ‘Carrying Christ’.


Into the hillside country Mary went carrying Christ,

and all along the road the Christ she carried

generously bestowed His grace on those she met.

She had not meant to tell she carried Christ.

She was content to hide His love for her.

But about her glowed such joy that into stony hearts love flowed,

and even to the unborn John Christ’s grace was sent.


Christ in His Sacrament of love each day

dwells in my soul a little space and then

I walk life’s crowded highway, jostling men who seldom think of God.

To these I pray that I may carry Christ,

for it may be some would not know of Him except through me.




A Penitential Service will take place in St Mary’s Church, Melmount today (Sunday) at 6 pm. People are encouraged to come along to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for Christmas. Priests from surrounding parishes will be available to celebrate the sacrament. Please feel welcome to come along.


 – Christmas Mass Times –

Immaculate Conception, Strabane

Christmas Eve Vigils (Tues): 5 & 7 pm; Christmas Day: 9.45 am & 12.15 pm

St Patrick’s, Murlog

Christmas Eve Vigil (Tuesday) 6.30 pm; Christmas Day: 9 am & 11 am

Sacred Heart, Derry Road

Christmas Eve Vigil (Tuesday): 10 pm; Christmas Day: 11.15 am

St Mary’s, Cloughcor

Christmas Eve Vigil (Tuesday): 5 pm; Christmas Day: 8.30 am

St Joseph’s, Glenmornan

Christmas Eve Vigil (Tuesday): 7 pm; Christmas Day: 9.45 am



Requiescant in Pace As a parish faith community, we offer our sympathy to the family and friends of

Gabriel Farrell, Dergalt Road

Kathleen McAnenny, Lower Main Street, Strabane


Anniversaries John Dooher, Sarah McCrossan, Chris Patton, Maire Gormley, Patricia McNulty, Sean Harper,                          Gerard McCrossan, Kathleen Montague, Mary Duncan, Geraldine Logue, Michael Doyle,                       Kathleen Graham, Hugh Henry, Patricia McLaughlin, Sarah McCrossan, Hugh Devine, Betty O’Donnell, Dominic Carlin, Angela McGarrigle, Colin Simpson, Margaret Ann Patton, Annie Whyte,                         Edmund Patton, John Foley, Sarah McBride, Rose McNamee, Pauline McCallion, Ray Jarrett,                 Edmund Breslin, Kathleen Porter, Helen McDonald, Catherine Devine, Hugh Devine, Paddy Devine, Sarah Gallagher, Susan Arthur, Edward O’Kane, Dympna Burns, John Duffy, Danny Molloy



Fourth Anniversary Mass for John Dooher, will take place on Monday 30th December at 11.00am.


Mass Intentions in St Patrick’s Church, Murlog for

Tuesday 24th December at 6.30 pm: Susan Arthur, Townparks;

Friday 27th December at 9.30 am: Caroline McBride, Croaghan Heights;

Saturday 28th December at 6.30 pm: Hugh Crawford, Coolatee (Month’s Mind);  

Sunday 29th December at 11 am: Patrick Dooher, The Fields


Thank You for your generosity to the offertory collections last weekend:

Leckpatrick: £1,531; Clonleigh: €1,862.17 (Euro); Camus: £1,610

Thank you also to those who contribute by standing order.


Christmas Gift to the Priests Collection (Wednesday 25th December) This exceptional annual collection is normally gathered via envelopes or loose plate collection. Those who contribute by standing order and do not have an envelope may contribute if they wish, by putting their donation in an envelope and mark it ‘Christmas Gift to the Priests’. Thank You for your support.


Readings for Sunday 29th December: 1st reading: Samuel 1: 20-22, 24-28; Psalm: 84:  2-3,5-6,9-10; 2nd reading: 1 John 3: 1-2, 21-24; Gospel: Luke 2: 41-52


Baptism Dates in St Patrick’s, Murlog December28th & January 11th/25th at 2 pm.


Christmas Mass Bouquets are available through our parish for a Triduum of Masses in the Christmas Season. Donation is £2.  Mass cards / Mass bouquets are also available.


St Vincent de Paul Helpline 07711156924.


Accord Derry Marriage Preparation Workshops 2025 The following dates available: January 24th/25th, February 21st/22nd, March 28th/29th, April 11th /12th, May 30th/31st and June 20th /21st. Visit These courses are in person.


Digital Advent 2024 Calendar with the theme of ‘Hope’ is available daily throughout Advent on the Irish Bishops’ Conference website, .


Trocaire Gifts of Change will be on sale at St Patrick’s, Murlog 21st & 22nd December.

When you buy a Trocaire Gift of Love, you are not just giving, you are helping communities in some of the world’s poorest places to work their way out of poverty.


Finn Valley FM will be broadcasting Mass live from St Patrick’s Church, Murlog at 11 am each Sunday.


A Triduum of Masses will be offered in each of our parish churches over the Christmas Season for the intentions of anyone who acquired a Christmas Mass Bouquet card.


The Times of Masses and other liturgies over the Christmas Season are available in a separate card this weekend. Please take one home with you.


Make A Crib Of My Heart ‘Dear little infant Jesus, make a crib of my heart’.  This line from a childhood family prayer has always struck a chord with me.

We often describe people as having a ‘big heart’ when they are open to welcoming people into their lives, caring for others, forgiving and loving.

At Christmas we are asked to open up our hearts, to make our hearts a crib, a place to welcome Jesus.  Our Saviour was born in a humble stable, a place we can imagine as being dirty, smelly, unpleasant and filled with animals.  Yet despite the poverty and simplicity, this was the place chosen for Jesus to enter the world.

Our hearts, too, are poor and simple, unfit for a King, yet Jesus knocks on the door.  It is all we can do to echo the word of the centurion in the Gospel of Matthew – words we say at every Eucharist – ‘Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.’



Family Table Prayer For Christmas Day

Loving God, on this Christmas day we give thanks that Jesus,

Your Son, has come into our world bringing us gifts of peace and joy.

Bless us as we sit down together at this table for our Christmas meal.

Bless the food we share and help us to remember

those who are hungry.

Be with our neighbours and our friends, those who are lonely,

sick or away from home.

We pray that our departed loved ones may now sit at your table in heaven.

May the joy of this feast give us strength and light, now and in the days ahead.

We ask this prayer through Christ, our Lord, Amen.


Thank you for your kind welcome to serve as priests in your parishes.

Your sense of faith in different ways and kindness are very inspirational.

The sense of community is so evident. Please be assured of our prayers.

Every good wish and blessing for Christmas and the new year.


New Year’s Eve As the year closes and the light of 2024 fades, we gather to acknowledge the past year in joy, sorrows, celebrations and struggles. We ask God’s blessing for the New Year as follows:

4 pm: Mass in St Patrick’s Church, Murlog

4 pm: Liturgy in Immaculate Conception Church, Strabane

7 pm: Liturgy in St Joseph’s Church, Glenmornan

8 pm: Liturgy in St Mary’s Church, Cloughcor

9 pm: Liturgy in Sacred Heart Church, Derry Road


Invitation to 33 Days of Family Prayer Bishop McKeown will lead the diocese in 33 days of Family Prayer towards Consecration to Jesus Christ through Mary, as part of a diocesan programme for the Jubilee Year of 2025, Pilgrims of Hope.   It will be delivered online on the Diocese of Derry Facebook, each evening at 7.00 pm, starting on Thursday 9 January 2025 and concluding on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Tuesday 11 February 2025. Bishop McKeown explains, “It is a journey I set out to make to entrust myself and my priesthood to Christ through the Mother of God. I extend an invitation to you and your families from the parishes of the diocese to join me”.Details and times of the prayer programme with a video message from Bishop McKeown can be viewed atDiocese of Derry – News – An invitation from Bishop McKeown – 33 days of family prayer


Christmas Parish Draw  The first day of the draw will take place on Christmas Day. You are asked to return your tickets, outstanding money and ticket stubs before Monday evening. A sincere thank you to all who have contributed and helped to make this Christmas draw possible.  Every good wish for Christmas.


The Annual Derry City GOAL Mile Walk will take place on Thursday December 26th, leaving Sainsbury’s car park at 12 noon. The GOAL Mile is an opportunity for local people to walk in solidarity and show support for those struggling to survive in countries ravaged by war, famine, dis ease and the effects of climate change. There are no administrative costs associated with the GOAL Mile so every penny raised will go directly to supporting the charity’s work with the poorest of the poor. Irish humanitarian charity GOAL is currently working in Gaza, Lebanon, Ukraine, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Niger, Uganda, Sudan, Colombia, Haiti and Honduras.


NI Blood Transfusion Service will collect blood donations on 31st December from 10 am – 3 pm at St Patrick’s Hall, 15 Castlefin Rd, Castlederg, BT81 7BT. Visit or tel 08085534653 to book.


Derry Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2025 led by Bishop McKeown from 30th June – 4th July, leaving from City of Derry Airport. Price £849. Gift vouchers available from the Pastoral Centre, 164 Bishop St, Derry.  Enquiries to


Mary’s Meals – Double The Love All donations made to Mary’s Meals are being doubled by a group of generous supporters, up to £900,000. Visit


Contemplative Prayer Group meetings will resume on Monday 6th January at 8 pm in the Meditation Room at the Parochial House, Barrack St, Strabane. All welcome.


Parish Schedule


Immaculate Conception Church, Strabane

Mass: Saturday Vigil: 6.00 pm; Sunday: 9.45 am & 12.15 pm

Monday – Friday: 10.00 am; Wednesday: 7.00 pm

Eucharistic Adoration: 10.30 am – 1 pm



St Mary’s Church, Cloughcor

Mass: Saturday Vigil: 5 pm

Sacred Heart Church, Derry Rd

Mass: Sunday: 11.15 am; Monday – Friday: 7.45 am

St Joseph’s Church, Glenmornan:

Mass: Sunday: 9.45 am

Eucharistic Adoration in Sacred Heart Church: Wednesdays from 8.15 am–5 pm


St Patrick’s Church, Murlog

Mass: Saturday Vigil: 6.30 pm; Sunday: 11 am Mass:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9.30 am

Rosary: 8.40 am Confessions: Saturday: 6.00 pm – 6.15 pm

Eucharistic Adoration: 9.30 am – 12.30 pm

Weddings Please contact any of our parish offices. At least 6 months’ notice required.

Baptisms: Parent(s) are asked to contact any of our parish offices.


Safeguarding If you have any concerns with regard to safeguarding children or adults in need of protection within the Church, please contact Maire Gormley, the Diocesan Designated Liaison Person (DLP) at tel: +447596 500 793 or email: or PSNI (Police Service of N Ireland) 101 or Social Services: Western HSC Trust, +442871314090 (Ask for the Duty Social Worker) or Garda Síochána, Buncrana 074 9320540, Letterkenny HQ 074 9123672 or TUSLA Family & Child Agency Buncrana 074 9320420 or Letterkenny 074 9123672.