Strabane Pastoral Area Newsletter for Sunday 12th January 2025

Parishes of Camus, Clonleigh and Leckpatrick

The Baptism of the Lord – Year C – 12th January 2025

Parish Clergy 

Fr Michael McCaughey, PP:  (028) 71882274 / (028) 71883293

Fr Eddie Gallagher, CC: (074) 91 42022       Fr Declan Boland (priest in residence)

Email:; Website:

Email:; Website:

                       Email:; Website:


Thoughts on the Gospel

The baptism of Jesus is an important event in each of the gospels, heralding as it does the beginning of Jesus’ public life and marking him out as the beloved of God. Luke’s account of the baptism does not focus on the event itself but on its aftermath, i.e. the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus while he was at prayer. In describing it in this way, the evangelist is highlighting two themes that are central to his gospel. These are the role of the Spirit and the importance of prayer in Jesus’ life. For Luke the fact that they are important in the life of Jesus means that they must also be important in the lives of his followers.

In remembering this incident, we are being asked not only to believe it of Jesus but also to recognise it as our own story. Through baptism, each of us has become a beloved son or daughter of God and it is an awareness of this reality which becomes the driving force in our lives as Christians. The image of God as shepherd and defender is one that we need to consider as we recall our own baptism, for the God who calls us is not some distant disembodied voice but the parent, friend and guide who says to us ‘you are my beloved’. It was while at prayer Jesus became aware of the power of the Spirit within him and today we too are invited to pray for an understanding of what the Holy Spirit is offering us and asking of us.

Beloved Son of God, baptised by John,

we praise you and marvel at your humility.

You are one with us in humanity:

lead us into the love of the Father,

to whom be thanksgiving now and always, Amen.



Do This in Memory Masses Children from St Catherine’s PS making their First Holy Communion this year and their families are invited to Mass on Saturday 11th January at 6.00 pm in Immaculate Conception Church, Strabane.


Children and families of those in 2nd class making their First Holy Communion this year are invited to join the parish community for Mass on Sunday 19th January at 11 am in St Patrick’s Church, Murlog.

Children from St Catherine’s PS making their First Holy Communion this year and their families are invited to Mass on Sunday 19th January at 12.15 pm in Immaculate Conception Church, Strabane.


An Invitation to 33 Days of Family Prayer Bishop McKeown continues leading the diocese in 33 days of Family Prayer towards Consecration to Jesus Christ through Mary, as part of a diocesan programme for the Jubilee Year of 2025, Pilgrims of Hope.   It is being delivered on the Diocese of Derry Facebook each evening at 7 pm, concluding on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, 11th February. Visit


Requiescant in Pace As a parish faith community, we offer our sympathy to the family and friends of Aidan Christy, Kennedy St, Strabane

Gerard Early, Lisburn (formerly Knockavoe Cresent)



Sally & Billy McGonigle, Kathleen Dunne, Conor Dunne, Sr Gabriel Porter, John Doherty,                       Maureen McGinley, Kathleen McCallion, James McGarrigle, John Brolly, Michael Connolly,                        Roisin McGonigle, Pauline Casey, Margaret Kilbride, Christine Melaugh, Charlie Duddy,                           Josephine Colhoun, Francis Devine, May Burns, Pat Duffy, Annmarie Brennan, Kevin Crawford,                  Kaddy Gamble, Shaun Buchanan, Patrick Woods, Pat Duffy, Fr Adrian Porter. May they rest in peace.


Mass Intention for St Patrick’s, Murlog on Saturday 18th January at 6.30 pm:

Peggy Lafferty, Shannon


Thank You for your generosity to the offertory collections on Sunday 5th January

Leckpatrick: £1,876; Clonleigh: €1,329.44 (Euro); Camus: £972

Thank you also to those who contribute by standing order.


Readings for Sunday 19th January: 1st reading: Isaiah 62:1-5: Psalm: 96:1-2a, 2b-3,7-8,9-10;                            2nd reading: 1 Corinthians 12: 4-11; Gospel: John 2: 1-11


Feast Days This Week: Monday: St Hilary, bishop & doctor of the Church; Wednesday: St Ita of Limerick, virgin; Thursday: St Fursa, abbot; Friday: St Anthony, abbot


Visitation of the Sick and Housebound Fr Gallagher will attend the sick and housebound in his areas on the week beginning 20th January.


Contemplative Prayer Group meets each Monday at 8 pm in the Meditation Room at the Parochial House, Barrack St, Strabane. All welcome.


Monthly Mass in Honour of Sr Clare Crockett will take place on Sunday 19th January at 7pm in the Carmelite Retreat Centre, Termonbacca, Derry. Mass will be streamed live on Termonbacca YouTube channel. All welcome.


Accord Derry Marriage Preparation Workshops February 21st/22nd, March 28th/29th, April 11th /12th, May 30th/31st and June 20th /21st. Visit


Baptism Dates in St Patrick’s, Murlog Feb 8th/22nd / March 1st/15th/29th at 2pm


Vocations As we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus which marked the beginning of His public life and ministry we pray that each of us will respond positively to the universal call to holiness, thinking especially of those the Lord is inviting to serve His people as priests of the diocese of Derry.


Catholic Schools Week 2025 begins on Sunday 19th January and continues until Saturday 25th January. The theme this year is ‘Catholic Schools: Alive in Christ’. During Catholic Schools Week families, parishes and schools are invited to participate in a week of celebration of Catholic schools, reflecting on their contribution to the common good of society. To launch Catholic Schools Week in our diocese, the Eucharist will be celebrated by Bishop McKeown in St Eugene’s Cathedral, Derry on Thursday 16th January at 10 am and everyone is welcome.  The national resource pack with ideas to help schools and parishes celebrate is available at   Let us thank all those who teach in Catholic schools. Educating is an act of love; it is like giving life.  Pope Francis


Silent Retreat Fr Stephen Quinn will lead a silent retreat in Termonbacca, Derry from Friday 24th – Sunday 26th January. A great opportunity to start the New Year with space for God and growing in friendship with Christ through silence and contemplation. This weekend is suitable for all. The retreat costs £90 which includes accommodation and all meals. For queries and booking contact or call 02871262512.


Meetings for All Draw Promoters for Leckpatrick and Camus Parishes will take place on Tuesday 14th January at 11 am and 7.30 pm in St Pat’s Hall. Existing and new promoters are invited to attend either meeting. Thank you for your support.


Trócaire would like to thank parishioners for their generous support for the Christmas Gifts of Change this year. An amazing amount was raised.

St Mary’s, Cloughcor, St Joseph’s, Glenmornan & Sacred Heart, Derry Rd: £517

Immaculate Conception, Strabane: £2,820; St Patrick’s, Murlog: €390.

This money will enable Trócaire to continue their life changing work. Thank you.


Pilgrimages to Medjugorje 2025 (Marian Pilgrimages) 7 nights June 18th departs Dublin – Mostar, return Split – Dublin,  Cost: €805 per person sharing. Price increases to €855 after 31st January. Also 7 nights August 13th departs Belfast – Mostar, return Split – Belfast €825 per person sharing. Price increases to €875 after 31st January. Single room supplement €170. For information and booking details, please contact Ursula O’Faodhagain, Castlefin: 0872960562.






Christmas Draw 2024 Winners

                                        Winner                                                  Promoter

Day 1                  1st            Maurice McGinley                            Hugh McDaid

                            2nd              Celine Ward                                Celine Ward   

                            3rd            Seamus McMackin                            Una / Clodagh

                            4th       Jacqueline Carlin               Martina Murray

                            5th              Oran Gallagher                                     Margaret McNulty


Day 2                  1st            Hannah Gallagher                          Marion Cooke

                            2nd              Pascal Harkin                               Fr Michael

                            3rd             Jessica Black                                Colette Mullin

                            4th             Majella McCallion                          Monica McCann

                            5th              Ciara Houston                                     Margaret McNulty


Day 3                  1st              Ryan Kelly                                  Sarah Jane Kelly

                            2nd              Emma French                              Sinead McDermott             

                            3rd        Catherine Deery            Catherine Deery

                            4th              Mary Flanagan                                          Mary Flanagan

                            5th              Barry Maguire                                         Breslin Family


Day 4                  1st              Liam Tourish                             Jane Toland

                            2nd            Pauline McNamee                           Colette Mullin  

                            3rd              Fr Joshy                                               June Dunne

                            4th              Brian Monaghan                            Nicola Porter

                            5th          Kathleen Gallagher                            Helen Doherty


Day 5                  1st           Caroline McGowan                            Eileen Canning

                            2nd              Mary McDonnell                            Pat McCrossan

                            3rd              Marie Devine                              Marie Devine

                            4th              Levina McDaid                             Eileen Canning

                            5th             Gerard Coyle                                Mary Smyth


Sincere thanks to all who bought or promoted tickets or made tickets available. Your support of the Christmas draw has been outstanding. We thank you and ask for your ongoing support in the future. Congratulations to all the winners.



 A Meeting of St Vincent de Paul Leckpatrick will take place on Monday 13th January at 7.30 pm at             St Vincent de Paul, Barrack St, Strabane.


Servant Sisters The Sisters of the Home of the Mother are hosting weekly formation meetings on Tuesdays, at 7.30 pm, in the Parochial House at Cross, Killygordon, (F93PN0X), and the weekly Holy Hours on Thursdays at 7 pm.  Everyone welcome.


Book Launch You are cordially invited to a book launch celebrating the life of Dr Tom McGinley, Founder of the Foyle Hospice on Wednesday 29th January at 7.15 pm in St Columb’s Hall, Orchard St, Derry, BT48 6EG. Free entry. Everyone welcome.


NI Blood Transfusion Service will collect blood donations in Shantallow, Community Hall Residents Association, 38 Drumleck Dr, Derry, BT48 8EN on 24th January from 1.30 – 4 pm & 5 – 7 pm. Visit or tel 08085534653 to book.


Derry Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, led by Bishop McKeown takes place from 30th June – 4th July 2025, leaving from City of Derry Airport. Price £849 plus insurance and single supplement if required. Gift Vouchers available from the Pastoral Centre, 164 Bishop St, Derry. Enquiries can be made by email to


Mass cards / Mass bouquets are also available from the parish office.


St Vincent de Paul Helpline 07711156924.


Rosary on the Coast takes place on Sunday 19th January at 3 pm at Benone Strand, praying for peace, Ireland and our unborn children.  Everyone welcome.


School Places Sept 2025 If your child is starting preschool or primary school in September 2025, you can apply online for their place at Closing date for applications is 12 noon on Friday 24th January 2025.





Parish Schedule


Immaculate Conception Church, Strabane

Mass: Saturday Vigil: 6.00 pm; Sunday: 9.45 am & 12.15 pm

Monday – Friday: 10.00 am; Wednesday: 7.00 pm

Eucharistic Adoration: 10.30 am – 1 pm



St Mary’s Church, Cloughcor

Mass: Saturday Vigil: 5 pm

Sacred Heart Church, Derry Rd

Mass: Sunday: 11.15 am; Monday – Friday: 7.45 am

St Joseph’s Church, Glenmornan:

Mass: Sunday: 9.45 am

Eucharistic Adoration in Sacred Heart Church: Wednesdays from 8.15 am–5 pm


St Patrick’s Church, Murlog

Mass: Saturday Vigil: 6.30 pm; Sunday: 11 am Mass:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9.30 am

Rosary: 8.40 am Confessions: Saturday: 6.00 pm – 6.15 pm

Eucharistic Adoration: 9.30 am – 12.30 pm

Weddings Please contact any of our parish offices. At least 6 months’ notice required.

Baptisms: Parent(s) are asked to contact any of our parish offices.


Safeguarding If you have any concerns with regard to safeguarding children or adults in need of protection within the Church, please contact Maire Gormley, the Diocesan Designated Liaison Person (DLP) at tel: +447596 500 793 or email: or PSNI (Police Service of N Ireland) 101 or Social Services: Western HSC Trust, +442871314090 (Ask for the Duty Social Worker) or Garda Síochána, Buncrana 074 9320540, Letterkenny HQ 074 9123672 or TUSLA Family & Child Agency Buncrana 074 9320420 or Letterkenny 074 9123672.