Parishes of Camus, Clonleigh and Leckpatrick
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C – 2nd March 2025
Parish Clergy
Fr Michael McCaughey, PP: (028) 71882274 / (028) 71883293
Fr Eddie Gallagher, CC: (074) 91 42022 Fr Declan Boland (priest in residence)
Email:; Website:
Email:; Website:
Email:; Website:
Lifford Parish Office: tel: 003537491 42001
Thoughts on the Gospel
Sermon on the Plain, where Jesus is warning a ‘multitude of people’ about the dangers of hypocrisy. We, too, are reminded that we are disciples who must learn from the Teacher, otherwise we will be like the blind leading the blind. This learning and listening is ongoing so that we can be filled again and again with Christ’s challenging love. This Gospel calls us to remove the logs from our own eyes so that we can see more clearly. It appeals to the reader to stop and check in with ourselves if we are about to make judgements about others. Whatever the situation may be, we are challenged to ask ourselves first: ‘How am I doing in relation to this?’ before we rush to condemn others.
The ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates, tells us that self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom. In today’s gospel Jesus challenges us to refocus our sharp analytical skills, so quick to diagnose the faults and failings of others, and centre them on ourselves. He is asking us to put our own house in order before trying to reform others.
May we seek God daily, asking Him to give us clear vision, pure hearts, and words that bless others. May our lives be a reflection of His love, overflowing with goodness, truth, and grace.
Lord, help us to speak with kindness and truth. Give us hope in Christ’s
victory over death. Teach us to be humble and see our own faults.
Guide us to live faithfully and love others as You love us. Amen.
Temperance Sunday On this Day of Prayer for Temperance, we pray for all those who struggle
with addiction to alcohol or drugs. We remember families and all those who offer support.
Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
Vocations Society of St Joseph The St John Vianney branch will meet on Tuesday 4th March in Church of the Immaculate Conception with rosary after 10 am Mass and continue in St Pat’s Hall. New members welcome.
Mass in honour of St Pio will be celebrated on Wed 5th March at 7 pm in Church of the Immaculate Conception. We ask God’s blessing on all through St Pio’s intercession.
Please join us in continued prayer for Pope Francis as he continues his stay in hospital.
May God grant him healing, strength, and comfort during this time.
We petition God in prayer, seeking His loving care and guidance for Pope Francis
Lent begins this Wednesday, 5th March – Ash Wednesday. The ashes are a reminder that our bodies and all material things will return to dust. ‘Dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return.’ Ashes are received on the forehead in the shape of a cross to indicate that we are taking on the cross of penance through acts of self-denial, or works of charity, or a resolution to be more prayerful in this time of preparation for Easter. Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence. We pray that Lent will be a journey of renewal for families, for the community, and for the world. Pope Francis, the Vicar of Christ in the Chair of St Peter, says that ‘Lent is a time for believing, for welcoming God into our lives and allowing him to ‘make his dwelling’ among us (cf. Jn 14:23).
Masses on Ash Wednesday will be celebrated as follows:
Church of the Immaculate Conception: 7.00 am, 10.00am, 7.00 pm (Mass for Padre Pio)
Sacred Heart Church, Derry Road: 12.00 noon
St Mary’s Church, Cloughcor: 10.00 am
St Patrick’s Church, Murlog: 7.00 am, 9.30 am, 7.00 pm
Many people take on the practice of attending daily Mass over Lent, praying the Stations of the Cross, fasting at certain times, doing something to help the poor, sick or lonely, or giving a contribution to Trócaire in response to that call, ‘to pray, to fast and to give alms’. During the Lenten Season we ask you to note that weekday Masses will be celebrated as follows:
Thursday 6th March
Church of the Immaculate Conception: 7.00 am, 10.00 am
Sacred Heart Church, Derry Rd: 12.00 noon
St Patrick’s Church, Murlog: 9.30 am
Friday 7th March
Church of the Immaculate Conception: 7.00 am, 10.00 am
Sacred Heart Church, Derry Rd: 12.00 noon
St Patrick’s Church, Murlog: 7.00 am, 9.30 am
Saturday 8th March
Church of the Immaculate Conception: 11.00 am
Monday – Friday
Church of the Immaculate Conception: 7.00 am, 10.00 am
Sacred Heart Church, Derry Rd: 12.00 noon
St Patrick’s Church, Murlog: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9.30 am,
Wednesday 7.00 pm, Friday 7.00 am, 9.30 am
Church of the Immaculate Conception:11.00 am
A Lenten Journey leaflet is available with times of Masses and prayer in our parish pastoral area during Lent.
Lenten Prayer Cards are available. You are invited to join in prayer each day, praying for various areas, schools, ministries, etc associated with our parishes.
Vocations With encouraging words for those contemplating a vocation to the diocesan priesthood, St Paul says in our second reading this weekend, “ . . . keep on working at the Lord’s work always, know that, in the Lord, you cannot be labouring in vain.” We pray in particular for those attending the Vocations Weekend in Drumalis Retreat Centre this coming weekend.
Contemplative Prayer Group meets each Monday at 8 pm in the Meditation Room at the Parochial House, Barrack St, Strabane. All welcome.
Trócaire As the Season of Lent begins, Trócaire asks for your support to help fund this year’s lifesaving programme. Theme: ‘Stronger Together’. This year, Trócaire’s Lenten campaign focuses on Guatemala, a country which is one of the least responsible for causing the climate crisis, yet is bearing the brunt of the consequences. We tell this story through, Ilma, Julio and their family. Find out more at You can support this vital work by taking home a Trócaire box and using it in your home, using the donation envelope in your pack or by going online at In this Jubilee year of hope, let us bring hope and action to climate justice. May our God, who can move mountains, move all our hearts and minds this Lent to take action for climate justice. Thank you.
Anniversaries Jackie Hunt, Veronica Hannigan, Terry O’Doherty, Nana Maguire, Margaret Crawford, Patrick Gallagher, James Mc Feely, Hughie Rooney, Patrick & Jean Galbraith, Sarah Gibson, Terry O Doherty, Martin McBrearty, Sadie Gallagher, John & Mary Rose Colhoun, Angelo Vaccaro, Tommy McGranaghan, Detta Anderson, Una Christie, Mary Kelly, Margaret Stewart, Sadie McGowan, Roy Tomkims. May they rest in peace.
Mass Intentions for St Patrick’s, Murlog on
Friday 7th March at 9.30 am: Charlie Kearns, Mullaghanney (Month’s Mind)
Saturday 8th March 6.30 pm: Kathleen Hewitt, Porthall (1st ann), Gary McGinley, Moneen
Sunday 9th March at 11 am: John & Kathleen McGettigan, Ardnasool
Thank You for your generosity to the collections last weekend:
Leckpatrick: £1,322 (offertory), £470 (restoration);
Clonleigh: €1,699.06 (Euro);
Camus: £1,360 (offertory), £1,220 (restoration).
Thank you also to those who contribute by standing order.
Readings for Sunday 9th March:
1st reading: Deuteronomy 26: 4-10;
Psalm: 91:1-2,10-15;
2nd reading: Romans 10: 8-13;
Gospel: Luke 4:1-13
Saints of the Coming Week:
Tuesday: St Casimir;
Wednesday: Ash Wednesday;
Friday: St Perpetua & St Felicity, martyrs;
Saturday: St John of God, religious, St Senan, bishop
An Exploration into Theology – Reading the signs of the times: a theology course presented by Fr Brian Brady will take place on the Tuesdays of Lent, at 7 pm in St Eugene’s Cathedral Hall, Derry. St Eugene’s Cathedral Hall is just a few yards outside the cathedral grounds. First evening: Tuesday 11th March. All welcome.
World Day of Prayer takes place in Leckpatrick Parish Church, Ballymagorry on Friday 7th March at 8.00 pm. This year’s service comes from the Christian women in the Cook Islands and titled ‘I Made You Wonderful’. This ecumenical service invites us to recognise that God created each one of us with great attention and loving care. We are unique and special. All are welcome.
We Invite You to Join us for ‘Sing for Joy!’ – A Day of Music and Ministry on Sat 26th April at Lough Derg. Boat departs at 9:30am, concluding with Celebration of the Eucharist at 5pm. This day is open to young people aged 18-35 and is free to attend (supported by Knights of St Columbanus). Registration via: Contact / +447759496677.
The Monthly Matt Talbot Freedom From Addiction Mass will be celebrated on Monday 3rd March at 7.30 pm in St Eugene’s Cathedral, Derry. All welcome.
Dromantine Retreat Centre, Newry Lenten Retreat Day: 15th March from 9.30am. Cost £38. Silent Directed Retreat: 16th-22nd March from 4 pm. Cost £610. Tel 028 30821964.
NI Blood Transfusion Service will collect blood donations at Newtownstewart Centre 2000, 21 – 27 Moyle Rd, BT78 4AP on Friday 14th March from 12.30 – 4 pm & 5 – 7.30 pm. Visit or tel 08085534653 to book.
Mass cards / Mass bouquets are available from the parish office.
Sister Clare Rosary continues every Monday at 8.30 pm in Termonbacca, Derry.
‘Pilgrims of Hope Pilgrimage’ to Rome, led by Thornhill Ministries takes place on 16th October 2025 x 4 Nights £1095 stg pp sharing. Please contact 07736832458.
Pope’s Prayer Intention for March You are invited to answer the Holy Father’s request and to join people worldwide in praying for this intention: For families in crisis. Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences.
Mary’s Meals – Emergency in Southern Africa To help Mary’s Meals keep providing life-changing meals and reach more children in need, please keep our work in your prayers and consider donating to this appeal. 10p provides a school meal. Find out more at or freephone 0800 698 1212.
Rosary on the Coast takes place today (Sunday) at 3pm at Lisfannon Beach, praying for peace, Ireland and our unborn children. Everyone welcome.
Franciscan Friary, Rossnowlagh Healing Service today (Sunday). Rosary at 2.45 pm followed by Mass / Healing Service at 3 pm. Confessions 2 pm – 5 pm.
Hearing Aid Support takes place on Wednesday 5th March from 9.30 am – 11 am at Sion Mills Parish Hall, Primrose Park, Sion Mills, BT82 9QB. Everyone welcome.
Gamblers Anonymous Tel 71351329. Alcoholics Anonymous Tel 90351222.
Strabane Pastoral Area – Camus / Leckpatrick Parish Draws 2025
(Immaculate Conception, Strabane, Sacred Heart, Derry Rd,
St Mary’s, Cloughcor, St Joseph’s, Glenmornan)
A draw will take place in each parish this year with the following prizes in both draws:
February – October 2025 10th Month: November 2025
9 Monthly Prizes Star prize: car
1st prize: £1,000 2nd prize: £1,000
2nd prize: £300 3rd prize: £300
3rd prize: £200 4th prize: £200
5 prizes @ £100 5 prizes @ £100
Limited number of members for each draw. Voluntary subscription: £10 per month.
Total subscription £100 for each draw. All proceeds in aid of parochial funds.
Thank you to our promoters and many volunteers who support the draws.
Parish Schedule
Immaculate Conception Church, Strabane
Mass: Saturday Vigil: 6.00 pm; Sunday: 9.45 am & 12.15 pm
Monday – Friday: 10.00 am; Wednesday: 7.00 pm
Eucharistic Adoration: 10.30 am – 1 pm
St Mary’s Church, Cloughcor
Mass: Saturday Vigil: 5 pm
Sacred Heart Church, Derry Rd
Mass: Sunday: 11.15 am; Monday – Friday: 7.45 am
St Joseph’s Church, Glenmornan:
Mass: Sunday: 9.45 am
Eucharistic Adoration in Sacred Heart Church: Wednesdays from 8.15 am–5.30 pm
(Please note that Eucharistic Adoration ends at 2.30 pm this Wednesday)
St Patrick’s Church, Murlog
Mass: Saturday Vigil: 6.30 pm; Sunday: 11 am Mass:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9.30 am
Rosary: 8.40 am Confessions: Saturday: 6.00 pm – 6.15 pm
Eucharistic Adoration: 9.30 am – 12.30 pm
Weddings Please contact any of our parish offices. At least 6 months’ notice required.
Baptisms: Parent(s) are asked to contact any of our parish offices.
Safeguarding If you have any concerns with regard to safeguarding children or adults in need of protection within the Church, please contact Maire Gormley, the Diocesan Designated Liaison Person (DLP) at tel: +447596 500 793 or email: or PSNI (Police Service of N Ireland) 101 or Social Services: Western HSC Trust, +442871314090 (Ask for the Duty Social Worker) or Garda Síochána, Buncrana 074 9320540, Letterkenny HQ 074 9123672 or TUSLA Family & Child Agency Buncrana 074 9320420 or Letterkenny 074 9123672.