Parish Newsletter – Sunday 23rd February 2020

Your parish newsletter for this weekend 22nd / 23rd February 2020:

Lent, 2020 in the Parishes of the Diocese of Derry
Throughout Lent, resources and Parish events for Lent
will be published on the Diocesan web-site, and its social media channels. You are encouraged to follow and share these resources .. 

Instagram: @DioceseOfDerry
Twitter: @DioceseOfDerry  
Facebook: @derrydiocese

You are asked to recite daily during Lent, the Diocesan Lenten Prayer.

The Trocaire Lenten resources can be found on:

I would encourage every family to take a Trocaire Box as part of our Lenten commitment to Almgiving. For further information on the work of Trocaire, please see: The theme this year is: Mother’s
Protecting Their Families.

We remember in prayer those whose Anniversaries are at this time: Liam Arthur-Townparks,
Paddy Coyle-Scotland, Edward Crawford-Brickfield, Anthony Connolly-Raphoe, Geraldine Duddy-Rossgier/Derry,
Jimmy Crawford Snr.-Block Five, Annie & Willie McGowan-Glenties, Sally McDonald-Coneyburrow,
Sadie Gallagher-Liskey, John & Mary Rose Colhoun-Ballindrait. May They Rest in Peace

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, 2020 .. Thursday July 2nd – Tuesday July 7th, 2020. To make enquiries, or to
book, Tel: 028 7126 0293 (0044 287 126 0293 from the ROI) E-mail: Doctors and Nurses are invited to consider taking part in the Pilgrimage to assist those in need. Contact the Lourdes Office for details.

The Season of Lent, 2020 .. Begins this coming week in our Church. It is a time of opportunity for all of us to
either begin again, or renew, our relationship with God, through the disciplines of Prayer: Fasting: Almsgiving.
Lent is also a chance for us to pause a little from the busy demands that life can bring our way, so that we will be able to place our focus on the celebration of Easter, 40 days from now. During the weeks ahead I encourage you all to participate in this time of renewal as best you can, using the disciplines for guidance so that come the end of this time of preparation we will have a much deeper sense of our identity as a truly ‘Easter People’.

Medjugorie Pilgrimages .. With Marian Pilgrimages. Saturday May 9th. Ex. Belfast. Cost: £589. Priest to be
Wednesday September 23rd. Ex. Belfast. Cost: £589. Priest will be Fr. John Gates.
Both dates, accommodation:
Pansion Tomato (50 meters from Church). Deposit of: £100 secures place. Call Group Leader Anne Duffy:
0044 773 600 5396 – 048 7188 0372 to book or for an information pack.

Mass and Service of Light .. For Parents, Sponsors, and all Children who are to receive the Sacrament of
Confirmation, will be held on Monday February 24th, at 7pm, in the Church.

Lenten Short-Term Pledge .. This enables a person who does not wish to make a life commitment to total
abstinence to take a pledge for a limited period of time. You may wish to take the Lenten Pledge as a way of doing something uplifting or challenging for yourself or for others for Lent. If you would like to take the pledge for the six weeks of Lent, please go online at: and follow the links to join. A small fee applies if you wish to have the Pioneer emblem and registration card.

Thornhill Ministries, 121 Culmore Road, Derry .. Oasis Day – “Sensing Mortality”
A hope-filled day led by Fr. Paschal McDonnell to help find an oasis of peace and serenity in acceptance of
what is. Eucharist, reflection, and pondering on mortality. Date: Monday February 24th (9.30am to 1.30pm).
Includes light lunch. Suggested Donation: £20.
Lenten Promise Cards .. If you or someone you know “wants to do something for Lent,” the scratch card
reveals a daily pray/fast/give activity. Available at Thornhill Ministries, Veritas, and The Holy Shop, Derry.
Cost: £1.
Church Décor for Lent & Holy Week .. For those involved in Church Décor: How Church Décor, through
displays and arrangements of nature’s gifts, supports Liturgy. Date: Monday March 2nd (7.30pm to 9pm).
Suggested donation: £10.
To book or for information, contact: 028 7135 1233 or:

The Annual World Day of Prayer .. (formerly Womens World Day of Prayer), will be held in St. Ninians Church of Ireland, Convoy. On Friday March 6th, at 8pm. Everyone welcome.

Mass for those with Special Needs .. The Annual Diocesan Mass for those with Special Needs, and their
families, will take place in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Steelstown, Derry, on Saturday April 25th, at 3pm. If you have a child who wishes to recieve the Sacrament of Confirmation or First Communion at this Mass, please contact the Catechetical Centre on: 7126 4087 or e-mail:

Forty Hours .. Will be held in St. Theresa’s Church, Sion Mills, on March 1st, after 11am Mass until 6pm.
Everyone welcome.

Aware Overcoming Depression, Changing Lives Support Group .. Will hold their next meeting on Thursday
January 23rd, and every fortnight after, in Room 1, Strabane Library at 6.30pm. Tel: 048 7126 0602  

Naomh Padraig Lotto Results .. February 17th. Numbers drawn were: 3, 7, 9, & 17. Four people matched 3
numbers, and will receive: €25 each. Next weeks Jackpot: €7450.

Masses This Week:
MONDAY 10am Mass ..  
TUESDAY 9.30am Mass ..  
WEDNESDAY 10am & 7pm Masses .. Ash Wednesday  
THURSDAY 10am Mass ..  
FRIDAY 10am & 7pm Masses .. Followed by The Stations of the Cross  
SATURDAY No Morning Mass.. 6.30pm Vigil .. Martin McBrearty-Croaghan Heights .. Anniversary,
Noel Gallagher-Croaghan Heights .. Anniversary  
SUNDAY 9am & 11am Masses ..

Confessions .. Will be held from 5.30pm until 6.15pm every Saturday night.

Upcoming Parish Events
Ash Wednesday .. February 26th
St. Patrick’s Day .. March 17th
Palm Sunday .. April 5th
Good Friday .. April 10th
Easter Sunday .. April 12th
Confirmation .. April 25th
First Holy Communion .. May 9th
Blessing of the Graves .. May 11th

Parish Baptisms
March 1st, 15th & 29th
Please confirm the Baptism with either the Parochial House or Parish Office. Baptism Registration
Cards, available from the Parish Office or the Parochial House, or the Sacristy, should be collected
before-hand, and returned on the occasion of the Ceremony.