An Open Letter from Fr. Colm

Dear Parishioner,

I write to you at a time that is strange and challenging to all of us, with great change in our daily routine and worries for our families and loved ones. We are having to think creatively of ways to keep in touch with each other and that has led to a whole new set of challenges as some of us grapple with technologies that we previously tried to avoid! 

This is true also for our parish family, whose routines and way of life have been affected in ways we could never have imagined. I am particularly disappointed not to be able to have direct contact with the sick and housebound in the parish. Visiting them in their homes is part of my ministry that I particularly enjoy and, although we can keep in contact by telephone, this is a poor substitute for a personal visit and the sharing of the sacraments. It is strange to celebrate Mass each day with no congregation present in Church, and it goes against the grain completely to restrict numbers attending funerals. Having said this, complying with the public safety requirements and social distancing is critical at this time. 

Thankfully, the use of technology has made it possible for us to remain connected as a parish family.  Many people share in our Sunday and daily liturgies through our webcam, not forgetting those who join us for Sunday Mass on Finn Valley Radio. It is also so heartening to know that families are praying together in their homes. I encourage you all to continue to take time to pray. 

Since the middle of March, as you know we have been unable to gather in our churches for Mass. Given all the health, family, employment and financial worries and concerns that families had and have to deal with, the cessation of your weekly contributions to the church was certainly not an immediate consideration or priority. It goes without saying that, while we are still in the midst of this pandemic, money remains a sensitive issue for me to raise with you, especially when many individuals and families are facing financial insecurity and anxiety. It is vital to make home and family our priority at this time.  However, I know you will understand that the day-to-day expenses of the parish still have to be met.  We have been trying to keep expenses to a minimum and have made use of the Wages Subsidy Scheme offered by the government in relation to staff.  Many people have, very kindly, been asking in the past few weeks about how to pay the weekly envelopes and have expressed their desire to continue to contribute. To facilitate this, as you know, in the past week, opportunities were made available for parishioners to leave their envelopes in the church and I am extremely grateful to you for your very positive and generous response to this initiative.

I have met with the Parish Finance Committee this week to discuss options for those of you who wish, and who are able to contribute. We would like to stress that whichever option you may choose, please exercise caution on the amount you contribute and do not put yourself under financial pressure. If you find yourself unable to make a financial contribution under the present circumstances, then please support our parish and its mission with your prayers. 

Contribution Options:

Parish Envelopes–  For those who wish to continue paying by envelope, I will make myself available in the church on specified days every two weeks, so that you can bring your envelopes along.  Alternatively, you can drop them through the letter-box in the Parochial House.  

Standing Order– You may wish to set up a Standing Order from your bank which would allow direct payment from your account to our parish account, Clonleigh Parish (BIC: ULSB IE 2D    IBAN: IE78 ULSB 9860 1018 817799). If you do online banking, most online banking platforms allow you to set up Standing Orders online, or you can download this form here:


or, I can also provide you with a paper form if required; just let me know and you can pick one up at the Parochial House or the church. In turn, you may forward the completed form to your bank or return it to the Parochial House. We would ask parishioners setting up a standing order to ensure that you provide a name and envelope number (if you have one) so that we can identify your contribution from our bank statement. 

Online Banking– You may wish to contribute electronically via online banking using the parish account details as above. Again, please make sure that you include your name (and/or envelope number if you have one). 

Website Donation– we are arranging to introduce a secure “Donate Now” button on our parish website and will provide full details on this in the next week or so.

For any parishioners who are taxpayers and have not signed up for Charitable Donations and who wish to do so now, a Charitable Donations declaration can be given to you.  This allows the parish to reclaim an extra 33% in tax on every eligible donation you make.   

The current crisis will pass, and we trust in the power and love of the Risen Christ who journeys with us during this Easter season and always. I thank you for your commitment and generous spirit and assure you of my continued prayers. I am looking forward to the day when we can gather again, safely, in our beautiful church, to pray as a parish family. 

With every blessing,

Fr. Colm.