May – Month of our Holy Mother, Mary


Fr. Colm invites you to honour our Blessed Mother by creating a May Altar in a sacred space in your home this month. It can be created very simply with a clean white cloth, a statue of Our Lady, Rosary beads, holy water and some flowers. The May Altar is a great way of involving children in honouring Our Lady.

Don’t forget to send us a picture of it so that it can be displayed on our parish Facebook page!

Also, Fr. Colm invites you – and children in particular – to adorn and contribute to the May Altar created in the sanctuary of the church. If you are dropping by, you would be most welcome to place a plant (maybe even one which you have in your home and could lend), or a small bunch or posy of flowers on the May Altar. Wild flowers – primroses, bluebells etc – that children can pick, are most welcome. A Petitions Box will be placed at the May Altar in which you are invited to place your petitions. Again, children are invited to place petitions.

(In the interests of safety for all, please write your petitions at home – a pen and paper will not be available in the church).

Fr. Colm will include the prayer intentions that you place in the box each time we celebrate Mass during May.

Mary, Queen of the May, we pray God’s protection on everyone at this time of pandemic.