Thought for the Week – Sunday 10th May 2020


The discourse in today’s Gospel takes place on the evening of the Last Supper. Jesus is preparing the disciples for His departure. His close identification with God the Father is His over-riding message to them, with His words portraying an inseparable bond between Himself and the Father. He highlights too His close identification with His followers, giving an assurance of a new and abundant life in Him. Despite His assurances, and the disciples’ time of journeying with Him, they were perplexed on that night. Not understanding where Jesus was going or how to follow Him, anxious and fearing for their own future, they were full of questions.
In this time of pandemic, we (the disciples of today) find ourselves unsure, wondering and asking questions. It is only through talking to Jesus in prayer – placing our thoughts, words and actions in His loving care – that we can, without fear, follow Him and, through our example, make His enduring presence known in our homes, in our parish and in the lives of all we encounter. In the knowledge that Jesus is indeed the Way, the Truth and the Life, we, His followers, pray:
Jesus, Way to the Father, guide us in life
Jesus, our Truth, teach us Your meaning of life
Jesus, our Life, fill us with Your love.