Parish Newsletter – Sunday 26th January 2020

Dear friends,

Here are the notes from the Parish Newsletter, for the coming week, dated this weekend 25th/26th January 2020:

We remember in prayer those whose Anniversaries are at this time:Maureen Maguire-Tober,
Desmond Maguire-Scotland, Frances Friel-Coolatee, Joe Colhoun-Coneyburrow, Angela Allen-Dublin,
John Lindsay-Ballindrait, James Lindsay-Ballindrait, Theresa Lynch-Ballinabreen, and Tim Boyle-Rossgier.
May They Rest in Peace

Parish Confirmation Preparation Programme
Confirmation is a very special moment in the lives of the individual children who will receive this final Sacrament
of Initiation into the Catholic faith, for their parents who have formed them in the faith, for the teachers who are
supporting them, and for our Parish community.
In the lead up to the Sacrament, the Parish offers a planned programme of support. I invite everyone in the
Parish to faithfully remember in your prayers the children who are to be Confirmed.
Thank You. Fr. Colm.

Parents Meeting .. Monday February 3rd, 7pm-7.45pm .. In Murlog National School.
Mass & Service of Light .. Monday February 24th, 7pm .. In Parish Church. For parents, sponsors,
and all children who are to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Mass of Dedication & Naming .. Monday March 23rd, 7pm .. In Parish Church. For parents, and all children
who are to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Amended Retreat Day .. Monday March 30th, 9.30am .. In Parish Hall. For all children who are to
receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Thornhill Ministries, Holy Land Pilgrimage Retreat ..There are a few places remaining on our Pilgrimage/
Retreat (Sep. 24th-Oct. 2nd, 2020), and it would be a great help if those wishing to travel would return
their application forms in the next few weeks. For information, contact: 048 7135 1233
or: Website:

Pastoral Area Gathering .. Our Parish is hosting the next gathering of the Pastoral Area which includes
the Parishes of Urney and Castlefin, Killygordon, and ourselves. The gathering will take place on the
January 26th in the Lifford and Clonleigh Social Center, from 3pm until 4.30pm. Our guest that day will
be Bishop McKeown.

Eucharistic Ministers .. If anyone would be willing to be a reader at our Masses or to be an extraordinary
Minister of the Eucharist at our Masses, would you be kind enough to contact me in the weeks ahead. I hope to
increase the numbers who are presently serving so as we can continue to build up the various ministries in our
Parish life in the months ahead.

Save Our St. Joseph’s Hospital Action Group Committee .. Wish to invite you to a public meeting to be held
on Sunday, February 2nd, at 3pm, in The Villa Rose Hotel, Ballybofey. To discuss the ongoing uncertainty
around the future of long-term residential beds, Dementia beds, short-stay Medical Assessment beds, and other
concerns in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Stranorlar.

Strabane History Society ..The society meets on Thursday January 30th, at 7pm, in The Strabane Community
Library, Abercorn Square. This meeting is in the series of The Willie John Carlin Lectures. The talk will be on
Strabane & District Council Elections – 100 Years Ago. The speaker will be local historian John Dooher.

School Enrolment .. 2020
Murlog NS .. Applications for enrolment to Junior Infants for September 2020 are now being accepted.
Enrolment forms are available in the School Office. Please bring your child’s Birth Certificate, and PPS Number.
Cloughfin NS .. Applications for enrolments for September 2020 are now being accepted. Forms are available
from the School. 074 914 5705
Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál, Townparks, Lifford .. Application for Enrolments are now being taken for September 2020, please contact the School Office for further details and an enrolment form. (074) 914 1269

Shared Living Donegal .. Offers a home from home for vulnerable elderly people who cannot manage living in
their own home. The HSE is looking for home-owners who may be interested in providing this care in their own
home. An information evening is taking place on Tuesday February 11th, at 7pm, in the Clanree Hotel,
Letterkenny. Contact Sean on: 087 646 8540 for more information.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, 2020 .. Led by Bishop Donal McKeown, Thursday July 2nd – Tuesday
July 7th, 2020. Cost: £679 (deposit: £100 – non-refundable) including full board, and transfers to Lourdes. The Pilgrimage Office in the Diocesan Pastoral Centre at, 164 Bishop Street, Derry, BT48 6UJ. Will be open for
enquiries, and bookings each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 11am -1pm, from Tuesday January 14th.
Tel: 028 7126 0293 (0044 287 126 0293 from the ROI) E-mail:

Marriage Enrichment Weekend .. Hosted by Catholic Marriage Encounter Ireland, offers married couples of all
ages in a good relationship, private time to rekindle the joy of their love. The next (Residential) Weekend –
Friday 8pm to Sunday 4.30pm. Will be held in Dromantine Retreat Centre, Newry, from January 31st – February
2nd. For further information, and to book, visit (new) website:
or phone: 077 0281 2321 (NI) or: 087 2162436

Aware Overcoming Depression, Changing Lives Support Group .. Will hold their next meeting on Thursday
January 23rd, and every fortnight after, in Room 1, Strabane Library at 6.30pm. Tel: 048 7126 0602

Masses This Week:
MONDAY 10am Mass ..
TUESDAY 9.30am Mass ..
WEDNESDAY 10am Mass ..
THURSDAY 10am Mass ..
FRIDAY 10am Mass ..
SATURDAY No Morning Mass ..
6.30pm Vigil .. St. Brigid .. Crosses will be Blessed at this Mass.
Candles will be Blessed at this Mass also. .. Annie Donnelly-Ballylennon .. Months Mind Mass
SUNDAY 9am & 11am Masses .. Candlemas Day

Confessions .. Will be held from 5.30pm until 6.15pm every Saturday night.

Upcoming Parish Events
Ash Wednesday .. February 26th
St. Patrick’s Day .. March 17th
Palm Sunday .. April 5th
Good Friday .. April 10th
Easter Sunday .. April 12th
Confirmation .. April 25th
First Holy Communion .. May 9th
Blessing of the Graves .. May 11th

Parish Baptisms
January 26th February 2nd & 16th
Please confirm the Baptism with either the Parochial House or Parish Office. Baptism Registration
Cards, available from the Parish Office or the Parochial House, or the Sacristy, should be collected
before-hand, and returned on the occasion of the Ceremony.