Thought for the week – Sunday 2nd February 2020

Thought for the week.

Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd February 2020.

How much can we identify with Simeon and Anna today?
They spent so much of their older years serving God in the Temple through their prayer and service, because they were waiting for something that drew them there each day, and that something was the encounter with the Christ child.

Some would say that it was easy for them to do that as they had nothing else to do all day, whereas we tend to be very busy with all the daily tasks we have to attend to. In our ‘busy-ness’ have we lost something of the practice of expectant waiting for God to suddenly break into our daily routine?

Although we may have to deal with all sorts of daily
challenges or may be burdened with troubles, the Gospel reminds us that Jesus is always near, for our God is a loving and saving God. When we encounter Jesus, we in turn are then asked to become a light for others making it possible for them to meet him along the paths of their lives too.