Parishes of Camus, Clonleigh and Leckpatrick

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B – 13th October 2024

Parish Clergy
Fr Michael McCaughey, PP: (028) 71882274 / (028) 71883293
Fr Eddie Gallagher, CC: (074) 91 42022 Fr Declan Boland (priest in residence)
Email:; Website:
Email:; Website:
Email:; Website:

Thoughts on the Gospel:

In the gospel account from Mark, we encounter a rich young man who approaches Jesus and inquires about what he must do to inherit eternal life. When Jesus tells him that he must follow the Law of Moses, the young man reports that he has observed the commandments faithfully since childhood. Jesus does not simply affirm the young man’s sense of righteousness; instead, he challenges him to confront his attachment to wealth and invites this young man to give up his earthly possessions and follow him fully. While the young man’s earnestness is admirable, he is unable to accept the demands of true discipleship.
As the young man departs, Jesus turns to his disciples and makes a startling declaration: “How hard it will be for those who have wealth to enter the Kingdom of God” (Mark 10:23). Jesus is not condemning wealth but rather is challenging us to reflect on the “riches” we hold on to that prevent us from entering into a closer relationship with God. These riches may not always be financial; they also can be relationships, ambitions, or even our own plans for the future. In today’s Gospel, Jesus calls us to radical discipleship – a willingness to surrender all for the sake of following Him. Jesus assures his disciples and us that anyone who “has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for the sake of the good news” (Mark 10:29) will be richly rewarded.
Like the disciples and the young man in today’s gospel, our own journey may be filled with moments of doubt and struggle, but it is through these challenges that we grow in faith and understanding. Let us pray for the courage to accept the radical call of discipleship, to seek first the Kingdom of God, and to trust that with God, all things are possible.

Jesus, you are my life and joy. Let me know your love. Whatever you ask of me,
give me the courage to surrender all things into your hands and follow you.

Thank You from Fr Boland:

Fr Boland would like to thank the parishioners of Camus Parish and those further afield for their generosity, love and support as he stepped down recently in his role as Parish Priest. As it would be impossible to thank people individually, he hopes that this note of thanks will reflect his deep and abiding gratitude.

Do This in Memory Programme:

Mass of Enrolment for all children who are making their First Holy Communion in Clonleigh Parish will take place on Sunday 20th October at 10.00 am Mass in St Patrick’s Church, Lifford.

Requiescant in Pace:

We extend our sympathy to the family and friends of Patsy McGonigle, Moorlough Road; Mary Dunnion, Summerfield Court.


Celine Connolly, Paddy Nelson, Joseph McNulty, Gwen Crawford, Paddy & Bridie O’Donnell, Charlie Lafferty, Josephine Crawford, Rose Roulston, John Canny, Robbie McDonald, Daniel Gerald McCrudden, James Duffy, Declan Conway, Patrick O’Kane, Philomena O’Kane, Mary Devenney, Marie Devenney, Celine Connolly, Joe McNulty, Michael Christy, Annie Feeney, Tommy Devine, Joe Devine, Winnie McCullagh, Pam McLaughlin.

Mass Intentions for St Patrick’s, Lifford:

Saturday 19th October at 6.30 pm: Kevin & Rosemary Martin, Croaghan Heights

Thank You for your generosity to the offertory collections last weekend:

Leckpatrick: £1,334.14; Clonleigh: €1,927.42 (Euro); Camus: £2,545
Thank you also to those who contribute by standing order.
Mass Cards / Mass Bouquet Cards are available at the parish office, Ballymagorry.

Readings for Sunday 20th Oct (29th Sunday in Ordinary Time):

1st Reading: Is 53:10-11. Ps: 32:4-5, 18-20, 22, R/ v 22. 2nd Reading: Heb 4:14-16. Gospel: Mark 10:35-45

Baptism Dates in St Patrick’s Church, Lifford 2.00 pm on October 19th & November 2nd & 9th;
December 14th 21st & 28th & January 2025 11th & 25th

Saints of the Coming Week: Monday:

St Callistus I, pope and martyr; Tuesday: St Teresa of Jesus, virgin and doctor of the Church; Wednesday: St Gall, abbot; St Hedwig, religious; St Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin; Thursday: St Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr; Friday: St Luke, Evangelist; Sat: St John de Brebeuf, St Isaac Jogues, priests, and companions, martyrs; St Paul of the Cross, priest

Contemplative Prayer Group:

Meetings will resume this Monday, 14th October at 8.00 pm in
the Meditation Room at the Parochial House, Barrack St, Strabane. Newcomers very welcome.

All or Nothing Youth Club for Girls meets every Friday from 4.30 – 6.30 pm at the parochial house, Crossroads, Killygordon. Open to girls in 4th – 6th class in primary school and girls in 1st – 3rd year in secondary school. Activities vary every week and may include cooking / baking, art, crafts, music lessons, Spanish lessons, games, prayer and formation and more.

Monthly Sisterbucks for Teen Girls:

Come for an evening of homemade Italian pizza, video forum & craic with the Sisters, Parochial House, Crossroads.
Faith Formation & Tea for everyone every Monday 7.30 – 8.30 pm at the parochial house, Crossroads, Killygordon.

Holy Hour, Prayerful Reading of the Scriptures and Rosary every Tuesday from 6.30 – 7.30 pm at St Mary’s Church, Sessiaghoneill, Ballybofey and every Thursday from 7 – 8 pm at St Patrick’s Church, Crossroads, Killygordon. Everyone welcome.

Vocations For those considering becoming priests of the Derry diocese, but who are anxious about giving up so many of the things they have and enjoy in order to follow the Lord in this way, we pray that they will take to heart the words of Jesus in this weekend’s gospel: “For you it is impossible, but not for God: because everything is possible for God.”
If you are considering a vocation, please contact Vocations Director, Fr Pat O’Hagan by email:

Mission Month of October:

Next Sunday marks the annual worldwide Catholic celebration of Mission Sunday, the theme for which is ‘Go and invite everyone to the banquet’ (cf. Matthew 22:9) Our prayers and donations on Mission Sunday help to support mission projects and allow Catholic communities worldwide to become self-sufficient and progress according to their own needs and traditions. To learn more go to ‘Mission is a tireless going out to all men and women, in order to invite them to encounter God’. Pope Francis

Visit of the Relics of St Bernadette to the Diocese of Derry:

The Holy Relics of St Bernadette are on pilgrimage from Lourdes to Ireland for the very first time, and will visit St Eugene’s Cathedral, Derry from 2 pm Sunday 13th October – Monday 14th October. This very special, once in a lifetime event will provide an opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds to experience the special gifts and charisms of Lourdes in their diocese. The programme will be led by parishes, choirs, faith groups and organisations from across the diocese.

Programme for Sunday 13th October
2:00pm: Ceremony of Welcome
3.00pm: Rosary
4.00pm: Rosary
5.00pm: Rosary
6:00pm: Rosary and Devotions
7:00pm: Mass
9:00pm: Candlelight Procession
Confessions 3:00pm – 6:00pm

Accessing the grounds of the Cathedral during the visit It will not be possible to allow vehicles into the grounds. Blue badge holders will be guided to Gt James’ St pedestrian entrance to facilitate drop off. This entrance is on the flat and is a short distance to rear door for disabled entry. Stewards will be on hand to assist.

On Monday 14th October, the Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage Team will lead the Rosary and singing from 2.00pm – 3.00pm in St Eugene’s Cathedral. Members of the Lourdes Pilgrimage Choir through the years are coming together to provide the music. If you have ever been in the Pilgrimage Choir and would like to be involved, you would be most welcome. Simply come along to the Sacristy at the Cathedral at 1.45 on Monday. For further details, please ring 07712656781.

The Net:

The Net, the monthly publication sharing the fruits of faith in the Derry Diocese, is available in print in parishes as well as at

Ballylast National School is celebrating Halloween with a dress up fun run / walk on Sunday 20th October leaving Ballylast school at 10.30 am. Spot prizes for best dressed. Donations welcome.

Sharing the Good News, the weekly newsletter of the Irish Bishops’ Conference, can be viewed at

Rosary on the Coast takes place on Sunday 20th October at 3pm at Benone Strand, praying for peace, Ireland and our unborn children.

Aware NI Living with depression, anxiety or bipolar can be very isolating. Aware’s support groups provide an opportunity to meet others going through similar experiences. The next meeting of the Strabane Support Group will take place in Melvin Sports Complex on Wednesday 16th October at 6.30 pm. This group runs fortnightly and everyone is welcome. Contact

St Vincent de Paul Helpline – Tel: 0771156924

Today, Prisoners’ Sunday, the Catholic Church encourages everyone to reflect on and pray for prisoners and their families. God of mercy, you offer freedom to all people. We pray for those in prison and for their children and families. Break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist. May your love overcome struggle and heartache and bring new life.

Join Precious Life for a “Life Chain” at Belfast City Hall on Saturday 19th October 2024 at 2.00 pm. This peaceful event will commemorate the 5th anniversary of Westminster imposing abortion on Northern Ireland and honour the memory of the innocent babies lost since then. Stand with us as we remember and advocate for the protection of life. For more information, please contact Precious Life at 028 9027 8484 or 07592280522.

Programme for Monday 14th October
8:00am: Mass of our Lady of Lourdes
10:00am: Mass of St Bernadette
12:00noon: Angelus & Rosary
2:00pm: Rosary
3.00pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet
4.00pm: Rosary
5.00pm: Stations of the Cross
6.00pm: Rosary
7:30pm: Mass of the Immaculate Conception with anointing of the sick
9:00pm: Holy Hour
Confessions 11:00am – 7:00pm