Current Mass Schedule:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: Mass at 9.30am
Saturday, Vigil Mass: 6.30pm Sunday: Mass at 11.00am
(The Rosary is normally recited by the congregation 20 minutes prior to the midweek morning Mass).
Please remember that all our Masses continue to be live-streamed on webcam:

Please check the latest newsletter on either the Home Page or the Newsletter Page on this site or alternatively our Facebook and Twitter pages for more up to date mass times for each week as occasionally due to Holy Days or unforeseen circumstances, there can be last minute amendments to these times.
Confessions are held before the Vigil Mass on Saturday evening from 6.00pm until 6.15pm
Other Churches in the Lifford Strabane area:
Leckpatrick, Camus & Melmount
Please check each Parish for up to date Mass times