Safeguarding Notice
If you have any concerns with regard to Safeguarding children or adults in need of protection within the Church please contact Marie Gormley, the Diocesan Designated Liaison Person (DLP) at +447596 500 793, or at mariegormley@derrydiocese.org
Additional contact numbers:
Northern Ireland: PSNI Tel 101 or Social Services Western HSC Trust Tel +442871314090 (Ask for Duty Social Worker)
Republic of Ireland: Garda Siochåna, Buncrana +353749320540 or Letterkenny HQ +353749167100

TUSLA – Child and Family Agency, Buncrana +353749320420 or Letterkenny +353749123672.
Ms Marie Gormley is the Diocesan Liaison Person for the Diocese of Derry. The Diocesan Liaison Person is the person to contact with any safeguarding concern or allegation. Marie’s contact details are: Email: marie.gormley@derrydiocese.org Tel: 07596 500 793
Ms Briege O’Neill is the Safeguarding Co-ordinator for the diocese. The Safeguarding Co-ordinator develops safeguarding policy and procedures in the diocese, and coordinates training and diocesan safeguarding audits. Briege is based in the Safeguarding Office in the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Bishop Street, Derry: Email: safeguarding@derrydiocese.org Tel: (028) 71362475
Parish Policy Statement:
The Parish of Clonleigh recognises and upholds the dignity and rights of all children and young people in the parish and furthermore is committed to their protection. All personnel who work or volunteer for the parish endeavour to promote their human dignity and integrity as children of God in everything they do within their community, family life and liturgical participation with our church.

We follow the guidelines in the Children First Policy as set out by TUSLA, the Child and Family Agency. In keeping with this, we in the Parish undertake to do all in our power to create environments for children and young people so as to ensure their protection from physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
Clonleigh Parish has procedures in place to ensure the welfare and protection of children and young people, together with the welfare of those who work with them. All church personnel, schools, personnel and parochial outreach personnel, must comply with these procedures.
As we are a parish that has children and families that may cross the border of UK jurisdiction, as indeed the Derry Diocese itself does, the parish through the Derry Diocese has also committed to a co-ordinated inter-agency approach to ensure the welfare of all children whether they participate in our parish or the diocese as a whole.
Further and more detailed information and a complete inventory of contacts can be found in the safeguarding section of the Derry Diocese website: