1 Baptism

Baptism ceremonies are celebrated very regularly throughout the year. These are times of great joy in our parish. It is an opportunity to welcome families and friends into their parish church and to celebrate with them this most significant moment!!!!! – when their child receives the first of the Sacraments of the Church.
Baptisms are normally celebrated after the last Mass on Sunday mornings.
Parents seeking to make arrangements about a child’s baptism may contact the parish secretary who will be happy to assist with the arrangements.

What needs to be done?
Arrange the date with the Parish Secretary.
Complete the parish registration form and return it to the parish office . . . One week in advance of the Baptism. Ensure the chosen godparents are at least 16 years of age and that one is a practising member of the Catholic Church. If the second godparent belongs to a different Christian faith community, they may be named as a witness to the ceremony.
Bring the following with you to the ceremony
A) Baptismal Candle
B) White robe for the ceremony.
2 Penance
Pope Francis has helped us all grow in our understanding of this beautiful Sacrament. He tells us “God’s mercy is greater than any sin.”
The Sacrament of Penance – or Confession, as we more commonly refer to it can be received regularly. The priest in the parish usually is available every Saturday evening in the church for a time before the Vigil Mass. He is happy to welcome anyone who seeks the peace, inner freedom and joy of experiencing God’s forgiving love through the Sacrament.
First Penance
The first time a person – usually the children in second class. – receives Sacrament of Penance they do so in preparation for First Communion.
Parents and teachers do great work in helping our younger members of our Catholic faith community to grow in understanding of the grace of God’s forgiveness. Children are helped to realise that when any of us do something which is unloving we are hurting another person and ourselves. Through the Sacrament we make peace with God, resolve to make peace with others and
we make peace with ourselves.
Order of Sacrament
Priest welcomes the person and makes the Sign of the Cross.
Person says this or something similar “Bless me, Father for I have sinned. It has been . . . weeks/months since my last confession”.
Person names their faults, things they have or haven’t said or done which have been unloving, hurtful or selfish.
Priest listens, perhaps give some guidance and reminds the penitent of the encouraging mercy of God.
He then invites the person to say an Act of Sorrow
Act of Sorrow
O my God,
I thank you for loving me.
I am sorry for all my sins
and for not loving others
and not loving you.
Help me to love like Jesus
and not to sin again. Amen.

Priest absolves the person from their sins by saying: “Through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace. I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.”
3 The Eucharist
The Eucharist is the Sacrament of Christ’s body and blood that is at the centre of the Catholic Faith. The greatest prayer we can offer as a faith
community is The Mass. Every day and especially every weekend, people from all parts of the parish and from beyond the parish come to the church and join in this celebration. It is most encouraging to be part of this gathering where we express our belonging and our faith identity.
There is a famous line in the Gospel of Luke when the risen Jesus appears toband walks alongside disciples on the Road to Emmaus, and then stops to have a meal with them. Luke says: “They recognised Him in the scriptures and in the breaking of the bread”.
When our community comes together for Mass, there is a strength and a presence among us in our gathering, conscious that we are being faithful to the tradition passed on to us through many generations.
The celebration of the Mass is where we know our longing for God and our belonging to a parish community.

First Holy Communion
The Celebration of First Holy Communion takes place when children are coming to the end of their school year in second class. The parents and
teachers of our young girls and boys do a tremendous amount of ongoing support work in teaching the young about our faith throughout the year.
Grandparents too are wonderful in their example of faith to children. When the time comes for a young person to receive Holy Communion for the
first time, they will have learned about Jesus:
about things He said and did; about how Jesus suffered and died for us;
about how He promised to be with us always;
about how He gave us His body as a true Sacrament of His presence with us.
4 Confirmation
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated once a year in our parish. The bishop usually confers the Sacrament, though he may delegate the parish
priest to administer Confirmation.
The children in sixth class prepare for this Sacrament with sincerity and effort. The parish faith development programme is a support to parents as well as children. Our parents have fulfilled the responsibilities they began when they
physically carried their young child into the church building seeking Baptism.
Now that the child has grown in wisdom, understanding, knowledge, courage, reverence, right judgement and wonder and awe, the parents and sponsors are ready to present the young person to be confirmed as a full and maturing member of the Catholic faith.

Parish Support Programme
1 Induction
Parents evening
- Mass & Service of Light
Parents, Sponsors and Children to be confirmed
An invitation to children to express gratitude to their parents for having been
baptised and an opportunity for parents to encourage their child in developing
their faith. This is a ceremony of mutual respect and response. - Dedication & Naming Ceremony
A Mass of Dedication when the children to be confirmed claim their
Confirmation name and make an Act of Dedication in the presence of their
parents who affirm them in their faith. - Preparation Retreat
A day of prayerful preparation for the children who are about to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
5. Marriage
A minimum of 3 months notice is required by church & state. A Pre-marriage course is also required.Church weddings can take place on any day other than Sundays and major feast days.
6. Holy Orders
The ongoing life of the church depends on vocations to the priesthood. Our diocese has a director of vocations and Father Colm would be delighted to make an introduction for any interested candidates. You can contact Fr. Colm at any time or talk to any of the priests to get more information. The Diocesan website may also have useful information about Vocations in our diocese.
7. Anointing of The Sick
The priest of the parish attends to our sick in hospital and at home. Many like to receive the sacrament of the sick and are strengthened and affirmed. If you would like to receive the sacrament of the sick or know someone who would please contact Father Colm or the parish office.