Parish Newsletter – Sunday 4th October 2020

Your Parish Newsletter for Sunday 4th October 2020.

Under the Donegal Level 3 restrictions, the current regulations are in place until the 16th October.
The Government has moved County Donegal COVID-19 restrictions to level 3. This has many implications for Churches:

1. Churches may only open for private prayer.

2. Weddings can be celebrated with no more than 25 people present, which is an all-inclusive number.

3. Funerals can be celebrated with no more than 25 people present, which is an all-inclusive number.

No public Masses, sacraments or other Services may be celebrated with people present. These restrictions apply until 16th October.

Therefore, the St. Patrick’s Church Mass schedule will be the same except it will only be on the WebCam. No one may attend any services in the Church. The Church will be remain open at all other daytime hours throughout the day for the purpose of private prayer if people wish to call in. Please use the hand sanitiser provided as you enter the church, remain alert to social distancing and obey the signs that are there for your protection.

In addition to the current Mass schedule, Fr Colm will say the Rosary each day at 12 noon for our safe keeping.

‘ONLINE ONLY’ Mass Schedule for the Week ahead:

Mass Schedule for the Week

Monday: 9.30am

Tuesday: 9.30am

Wednesday: 9.30am

Thursday: 9.30am

Friday: 9.30am 

Saturday: Vigil 6.30pm:  Rose Roulston Cavan..Anniversary

Sunday: 9am: Pajoe Mc Brearty Albert Terrace.. Anniversary

11am: John Canny Rossgier.. Anniversary

Rosary recited at 12pm each day.

Please remember that all our Masses continue to be live-streamed on webcam:


Our 11.00am Mass on Sunday is also broadcast live on Finn Valley Radio, 95.8FM

ANNIVERSARIES: We remember in prayer the souls of those whose anniversaries occur at this time ….  Paddy Mc Gowan Edenmore, Margaret Friel Braide.

SEASON OF CREATION: 1 September – 4 October 2020 Theme: Cultivating Hope

Fittingly, the Season of Creation concludes on this Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, patron saint of the environment and animals. Francis’ devotion to God was expressed through his love for all of His creation. He cared for the poor and sick, he embraced poverty and simplicity of life. Rather than ‘coming to Christ out of love for the poor’, Francis is known to have ‘come to the poor out of love for Christ’. We are told that, such was his love and awe of all God’s creation, he preached sermons to the animals and birds and praised all creatures as brothers and sisters under God. Francis redefined ‘authority’, away from power and towards service; he put into action Christ’s command to “love one another”. 

In hope, we pray the prayer of St Francis of Assisi:

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light, where there is sadness, joy:

O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;

to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love:

For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Vocation Call: 

Philippians 4:6 “There is no need to worry; but if there is anything you need, pray for it, asking God for it with prayer and thanksgiving” You belong to Christ. If the Lord invites you to follow Him as a priest or in the consecrated life, how will you respond? Speak to your local priest, or call your Diocesan Vocation’s Director, or email the National Vocations Office on


Thank You for your continuing generosity to the collection in the last week. Thank you also to those who contribute by Standing Order. Envelopes or cash contributions to the collection can be left in the boxes at the back of the church any day of the week. Fr Colm will be in attendance after each 12pm Rosary. Your on-going financial support of the parish is much appreciated as it is vital in sustaining our parish.


The new envelopes are being prepared for distribution. If anyone who does not already have envelopes would like a box please contact the office in the week ahead or you can request envelopes by simply clicking on this link: ‘Get in Touch‘ and then select Parish Envelopes from the drop-down menu.


The Family Prayer card is available at the church. Please feel free to take one when you come in for private prayer or reflection. I encourage you all to join in this crusade of prayer for the family during the month of October.

O C T O B E R –  M O N T H  O F  M I S S I O N:

October is a month when we are asked to pledge special support, prayerful and financial, to the missions in developing countries. Mission Sunday will be celebrated on 18 October. We tend to think of missionaries as priests and Religious who work abroad, in poor countries. Indeed, most of will know someone whom we would describe a as a ‘missionary.’ Over the years, many people from Ireland, including many from this locality, have been called to serve in the Church’s missionary work abroad, where they proclaim the Gospel and support the development and growth of young churches. This month is an opportune time to pray for them and in thanksgiving for the great work that they have done and continue to do. Missionary work, however, is not confined to developing countries or, indeed, to other people. By virtue of our baptism, all of us are called to be missionaries – in our homes, our families, our neighborhood, places of work, church and parish. Our missionary work is carried out through the opportunities of our daily lives – through caring for and supporting each other, reconciling, friendship, kindly deeds, generosity and justice. Our call is very much reflected in this year’s theme for Mission Sunday: “Together we can do more”. In short, our missionary call asks us to build God’s kingdom by bringing Christ and the virtues of the Gospel to all we encounter, sharing and handing on the great gift of faith that we have been given. 

Please take time during this Month of Mission to visit: – World Missions Ireland, the official support organisation of the Irish Catholic Church for its overseas mission. It includes Pope Francis’ Message for Mission Sunday 2020 ‘Here am I, send me’

DAY FOR LIFE: is celebrated in the Catholic Church today. It is a day specially dedicated to celebrating and upholding the dignity of human life, from conception to natural death. Pope Francis has chosen the simple theme, “Choose Life” this year, with focus on the protection of mothers and unborn children, and the need to bring hope and healing after abortion. The Pope has communicated his hope that the current pandemic may stir in us a renewed care for the most vulnerable and a greater appreciation of the moral imperative to build a ‘culture of life’. He appeals for prayers that “minds and hearts may be opened to the sheer gift and wonder of every new life in the womb and thank those who work ceaselessly to protect this life more fully by legislation.” Pope Francis also draws attention to the hope and healing that can be experienced following the trauma of abortion. Visit for resources. The Holy Father’s Pastoral Message for Day for Life can be viewed on

Sunday Mass Readings:

If you would like to download a copy of the Sunday Mass Readings, you can do so by following the link below on our website:

Sunday’s Mass Readings

NORMAL MASS SCHEDULE in St. Patrick’s Church:

Saturday Vigil Mass at 6:30 pm

Sunday Morning Mass at 9:00 am Mass at 11:00 am

Monday - Friday Mass at 9:30 am

Please remember that all Masses are on the webcam:


Also in addition to the webcam, you can listen to our 11.00am Sunday Mass on Finn Valley FM – 95.8FM or worldwide via their website.

Covid-19 Protocols: Clonleigh Parish:

The current Clonleigh Parish protocols can be viewed by following the link to this page on our website and we recommend that you regularly check this page for any new updates:

Clonleigh Parish protocols


Donate to the Church in the following ways:

1. Parish Envelopes

2. Online donation via our website. Click the Donate button below.

3. Standing Order. Set up a standing order through your online banking portal or – Download this form: Standing Order Form and send it to the Parish Office and we will contact the bank on your behalf. Or email to the Parish Office:

Download our Standing Order Form


Parish Text Group

You are welcome to join the Clonleigh Parish Text Service on WhatsApp. We will send you a text when we update our website with the Parish Newsletter etc. And you can link in to read the latest updates.

Follow this link to receive updates to your mobile:

WhatsApp group text

You can easily join/mute/leave/rejoin the group whenever you please.

Parish Contact Details:

Parish Priest: Fr Colm @ 074-9142022
Fr Colm Mobile: 0833665530

Parish Office – Secretary: Lorna Porter @ 074-9142001


Parish website:

Find us on Facebook: Clonleigh Parish

Clonleigh Parish

Follow us on Twitter: @clonleighparish


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