Thought for the Week – Sunday 8th November 2020


In this month of November, when we remember in a special way those who have gone before us in faith, and we approach the end of the Liturgical Year, the Scripture Readings make reference to end times, with teaching on being watchful and being prepared.
In the gospel parable today, the bridegroom represents Jesus and the bridesmaids in the parable, in effect, represent all of us! It is important that we do not rest our focus on five of the bridesmaids being sensible and five foolish and, perhaps, comparing ourselves to one half of them. The ten did not set out as ‘five and five’ – all ten set out as one, as invited guests of the bridegroom. In the same way, all of us are ‘invited guests’ in God’s kingdom. The parable, therefore, speaks to all of us. We are all invited to be prudent in our response to God’s calling each day, and in our individual responsibility to ‘be ready’, to ‘be prepared’. Essentially, this means following the light of Christ, witnessing to the virtues of the Gospel in our daily lives, in the hope that, when our time comes to be called to God, we will be welcomed into His heavenly banquet.