Thought for the Week – Sunday 15th November 2020

November 15th 2020 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thought for this Week:

The Gospel today about the Parable of the Talents, reminds us to be good stewards of the blessings God has given us. God gives us the greatest gifts that we will ever receive – The Gift of Life; The Gift of His Unconditional Love in the person of Jesus, His only Son; and The Gift of Faith. However, faith cannot spread if it is buried or hidden away. Faith needs to be nurtured, promoted and shared with others through actions and words that reflect the example given to us by Jesus.
The Parable of the Talents challenges us to look at how we use the blessings that God has bestowed on each of us. Are we responsible stewards, who use and share our gifts and talents in the service of others, encouraging them in their faith journey? Do we use them to serve well the faith-life of our parish and faith community and our own families? Perhaps we take our gifts and talents for granted, but today’s Gospel reminds us that these are not our personal possessions, to do with what we will; rather, we are called to share them so that they will multiply, enabling ourselves and others to one day enter into the joy of the Master.