Your Parish Newsletter for Sunday 13th June 2021:
Throughout His ministry, Jesus used parables to give us an insight into the mystery of the kingdom of God and to explain the building of God’s kingdom on earth as a way of living that reflects the virtues and teachings of the Gospel. In His parables, Jesus used simple analogies like tiny seeds to explain the growth of the kingdom. In today’s Gospel we hear two such parables, both centred on the theme of ‘growth’. It is God’s will that the seed of faith, planted in us through the Sacrament of Baptism, will flourish and that we will blossom into people of faith who, through living well the virtues of the Gospel, will become an active part of the building of His kingdom here on earth. We ask God today for the grace to be active participants in building His kingdom here on earth.
Mass Schedule for the Parish this Week:
For those who are unable to come out to church, all our Masses will continue to be available on our parish webcam, and our 11.00am Mass is also broadcast live each Sunday on Finn Valley Radio: 95.8FM
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Mass at 10.00am
Tuesday: Mass at 9.30am
Saturday, Vigil Mass: 6.30pm Sunday: Masses at 9.00am and 11.00am
The Rosary will be recited Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9.40am, before Mass.
The Rosary will be recited on Tuesday at 9.10am, before Mass.
Everyone attending church is asked to wear a face covering, use the hand sanitiser that is available and maintain social distancing. Please enter the church by one of the back doors and leave by the side door that is closest to you. It is important that everyone attending feels safe and welcome in our church. Thanks to Hugh, the church will continue to be ‘fogged’ and cleaned each day, after use. Thank you very much for your co-operation.
The death has taken place this week of George Doherty, Sydney, Australia, formerly of
The Fields, Porthall, brother of Kitty Kelly, Braide. We offer Kitty and the family our sympathy.
May he rest in peace.
Tuesday 15 June, 9.30am: Peter Quigley
Wednesday 16 June, 10.00am: Eamon Crawford, Gortgrannagh / Lancaster.
We remember in prayer the souls of those whose anniversaries occur at this time….
Margaret Donnelly, Liskey; Catherine Mc Feely, Momeen; William Harte, Corner House
Clodagh Howard. Gallows Lane; Tommy Howard, Gallows Lane; Peter Quigley
Eamon Crawford, Gortgrannagh Lancaster; Sean Gallagher, Croaghan Heights
Bridget Crawford, Glenfad; Danny Gamble, Rossgier; Patrick McConnell, Coneyburrow.
May they rest in peace.
THANK YOU for your generosity to the collection last week, which amounted to €1,797. Envelopes / weekly contributions can be left in the baskets inside the doors any morning of the week at Mass time. For those unable to attend Mass you can drop your envelope into the Parochial House letter box at any time.
Download our Standing Order Form here.
You can also request envelopes by simply clicking on this link: ‘Get in Touch‘ and then select Parish Envelopes from the drop-down menu.
First Confessions will take place as follows:
Monday 14 June, at 6.00pm in the church for Lifford NS Second Class and Cloughfin NS Second Class
Wednesday 16 June at 6.00pm in the church for Murlog NS Second Class.
Confirmations will take place the weekend of 4 and 5 September.
First Holy Communion will take place on Saturday 11 September.
(Classes will be informed of the times in due course).
As part of the children’s preparation for First Holy Communion and Confirmation it is my hope that each family will make a special effort to attend Mass each weekend in our church. The sacramental days of First Holy Communion and Confirmation are a very important days in the faith lives of the children, their families and the parish. All of us who teach and encourage the children in the faith have a responsibility to ensure that the children are very familiar with the church and with the celebration of Mass, and are adequately prepared to receive the sacraments. I very much look forward to seeing and welcoming the children and their families at one of our three Sunday Masses each week (6.30pm Vigil on Saturday, 9am and 11am Sunday). Fr Colm.
I have very much missed the privilege of attending the sick and housebound over the last year and I know that, more importantly, you have missed the privilege of being able to receive the Eucharist; however, the safety and protection of everyone, especially the vulnerable, was and remains paramount and, as such, regular visitation has not been possible.
However, I intend to resume monthly visitation this Wednesday, 16 June, and I very much look forward to seeing you, to praying with you again and, most of all, to bringing the Eucharist to you.
If, however, for any reason at all, you would prefer that I would not visit your home this Wednesday, please let me know in advance and, indeed, if I call at your door and it does not suit you, that is not a problem at all. For all whom I will be able to visit, I very much look forward to seeing you again.
If there is anyone who is not currently on the ‘visitation list’ but would like me to call with them on Wednesday, please let me know and I will be more than happy to visit you and to bring the Eucharist. Thank you. Fr Colm.
It is hoped to set up a fundraising working group in the parish, with members from the different areas of the parish involved. With the capital works projects coming up, it is hoped that some fundraising activities will generate income to help to meet the costs. To this end, I would welcome volunteers who would be interested in becoming part of a parish fundraising working group, along with members of the Parish Finance Council. I would be very grateful if you would give it your consideration and please let me know if you are interested.
THANK YOU very much to all who came along to our Novena to the Sacred Heart and to all who participated via our parish webcam. I have no doubt that this special time of prayer in our parish will bring many blessings and that the petitions and prayer intentions which you placed with trust in the Sacred Heart will have been heard. Thanks to Grace for leading the singing and to Hugh for his help each evening.
We are now ready to submit our first claim, having gone through the necessary procedures with the Revenue. Final call to anyone else who may be eligible to join but has not yet signed up! It will be a great source of additional income for the parish. If you would like to be part of it, please send in your completed CHY3 form to me this week. Thank you very much.
The Paper is available again this weekend for sale. Thank you to those who purchase it and to those who promote it at each of our Masses. The cost is €2.
If anyone who picked up a complimentary copy of the Messenger in the church last week would like to receive the Messenger magazine each month, please complete the Subscription facility on the second last page. You can drop it in to Lorna in the parish office, or to myself or Hugh in the church, or to me at the Parochial House. If anyone else would like to receive the Messenger monthly, please contact Lorna in the parish office any morning and she will be happy to take your order.
LOUGH DERG regrets that it will not be possible in 2021 to reopen for the traditional Three Day Pilgrimage or even for the autumn programme of Day Retreats. Lough Derg is, however, happy to offer the opportunity to everyone to “do Lough Derg from wherever you are” this year again from 3 – 5 July. To register for this pilgrimage, contact Lough Derg by phone 071 9861518 or email The outdoor Pilgrimage on the Lough Shore Pilgrim Path will also be available as the summer goes on. Visit website:
During the month of June, you are invited to recite daily the simple Aspiration: “Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in Thee.” Parents, in particular, are asked to pray it with their children each morning.
The Daily Mass Readings can also be accessed on our parish website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.
Donate to the Church in the following ways:
1. Parish Envelopes
2. Standing Order. Download this easy to fill form: Standing Order Form – Send to or email to the Parish Office:
3. Online donation via our website.
Parish Contact Details:
Parish Priest: Fr Colm @ 074-9142022
Fr Colm Mobile: 0833665530
Parish Office – Secretary: Lorna Porter @ 074-9142001
Parish website:
Follow us on Twitter: @clonleighparish
Find us on Facebook: Clonleigh Parish
Join our free Clonleigh Parish Text Service on WhatsApp. We will text you when we update our website with the Parish Newsletter etc. And you can link in to read the latest updates.
The Derry Diocesan Liaison Person, to whom any safeguarding concerns or allegations should be
communicated is: Ms Marie Gormley, Email: Tel: 07596 500 793