Parish Newsletter for Sunday 22nd May 2022

SUNDAY 22nd MAY 2022

Today’s Gospel is a continuation of St John’s account of the events of Holy Thursday night. Jesus is responding to the apostles’ uncertainties and questions about what is going to happen or what the future holds for them. In His reassurances to them, Jesus’ words portray an inseparable bond of love between Himself and the Father and a promise of continued presence, through the Holy Spirit.
Jesus also offered on that night the gift of peace. The peace that Jesus offers is inner peace that comes from knowing God and guided by the Holy Spirit, placing trust in His will for us. We pray today that, by inviting the Holy Spirit to lead us more and more into the knowledge of God’s love and truth, the inner peace of Jesus will be a source of comfort and strength in our lives, particularly in challenging times.


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 10.00am
Tuesday: 9.30am

Rosary: twenty minutes before Mass.

Saturday: Vigil Mass, 6.30pm. Sunday morning: Mass at 9.00am and 11.00am

For those who are unable to come out to church, all our Masses continue to be available on our parish webcam:


and our 11.00am Mass is also broadcast live each Sunday on Finn Valley Radio, 95.8FM

Kathleen Drumm (née Doherty), late of Drumbuoy

As a parish faith community, we offer our sympathy and our prayerful support to Diarmaid, Feargal, Ronan and Finnian, to the grandchildren, to the brothers and sister, and to the wider family circle and friends of Kathleen, whose Funeral Mass took place in St Patrick’s on Thursday. May she rest in peace.

Patrick (Packie) Lindsay, late of 460 Croaghan Heights and formerly of Ballindrait

As a parish faith community, we offer our sympathy and our prayerful support to Nancy, to Geraldine, Tina, Patrick, Terence, Trevor, Audrey, Rhonda, Bronagh and Roma, to the grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sister, brothers and wider family circle and friends of Packie, whose Funeral Mass took place in St Patrick’s on Friday. May he rest in peace.


We pray for the following, whose anniversaries occur at this time:

Richie and Sarah Porter, Main Street; Paddy Joe McGrath, Strabane; Mark McGrath, Braide
Ceila Crawford, Lifford Common; Frances Woods, Ballymonaster; David Colhoun, Beechwood
Sean Moore, Strabane; John McDermott, Murlog; Annabelle McGranaghan, Sion Mills
Tilly McGranaghan, Sion Mills.

May they rest in peace.


THANK YOU for your generosity in last week’s collection, which amounted to €1,513. Thanks, as always, to those who contribute by Standing Order and online. Diocesan Purposes collection amounted to €933. Thank you!

Download our Standing Order Form here.

You can also request envelopes by simply clicking on this link: ‘Get in Touch‘ and then select Parish Envelopes from the drop-down menu.


Our Gift Aid claim for the year 2021 will be claimed shortly. Last year, we boosted our parish funds by just short of €10,000 through the scheme. If you are a taxpayer, have paid €250 or more to the collection in the year 2021 (i.e., €5 per week or more), and have not already signed up for the Gift Aid scheme, then please contact Lorna in the parish office who will be pleased to provide you with the registration form. It is a great source of income for the parish and, remember, it is at no extra cost to you! We would greatly appreciate your participation. Sincere thanks to all who are already part of the scheme and for your ongoing generosity to the parish.

CONGRATULATIONS and Well Done to the boys and girls of Murlog NS and Lifford NS, who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday. It is a very special day in the life of our parish. Thank you to the teachers, parents, grandparents and all who contributed in any way to this very important occasion in the faith journey of the children. Sincere thanks to the choir, for providing the music and hymns, greatly enhancing our liturgy. It was lovely to gather at the school for a chat and refreshments afterwards. Many thanks to Mr Harvey and staff for the use of the school premises, which are ideal, and to those who organised the refreshments. It is much appreciated.
We pray that the children will always know Jesus as their friend, growing in relationship with Him through regularly receiving Holy Communion. Please continue to support the children by keeping them in your prayers.


The children of our three schools who received the Sacrament of Confirmation this year are invited to come to the 11.00am Mass on Pentecost Sunday, 5 June. On Pentecost Sunday, as you know, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. In thanking God for the coming of the Holy Spirit on these children in the Sacrament of Confirmation, each of the children is asked to bring along either a symbol or a drawing that represents one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, or perhaps a short prayer to the Holy Spirit (that they have written). The children will be invited to present their creation at the sanctuary during Mass on that day. There will be a special prayer and blessing of the children on the day.


The Derry Diocesan Catechetical Centre, working in Partnership with Saint Mary’s University, Twickenham, offers this post-graduate degree, which is dedicated to the professional development and spiritual formation of Catholic school leaders. An Information Session on the Masters Programme will take place via ZOOM on Monday 13 June at 3.30pm. If you would like to attend this session, please email


Monday 13 June, at 7.00. Please make your family members aware. Also, if you know of any family, perhaps not from our parish, who would like to attend, please let them know and the date and time.

WELLNESS CAFÉ, Old Courthouse, Lifford, is now open each Wednesday from 11.00am – 12.30pm. The main objective is to provide a safe, friendly space for those who are feeling isolated within their communities. A local Community Mental Health Nurse will be there to offer support. Everyone welcome to drop in for a chat, tea/coffee. Enquiries can be made on 074 914 1430.

Many of our young family members and parishioners are preparing for or starting exams at this time. Please keep them in your prayer in these coming days and weeks.


Lord, pour out your Spirit of wisdom on all students doing exams at this time.
Help them to remain calm, to attend carefully to the questions asked,
to think clearly, to remember accurately and to express themselves well.
Grant that they may reflect the best of the work they have done,
and the best of the teaching they received.
May your love be upon them, O Lord, as they place all their trust in You. Amen.

PAULINE JARICOT 1799 – 1862:

The beatification of Venerable Pauline Jaricot will take place in Lyon, France, today. Pauline was a remarkable young woman of strong faith, with a deep desire to help the needy in the world. She had particular devotion to the Rosary. Pauline believed that if we all give a little and pray together, we can share God’s love throughout the world. To this end, Pauline, who was born into a wealthy family, established a ‘penny collection’ among her father’s employees. Supporters met in small groups to donate pennies, to pray and to exchange news about the missions. In turn, they created more groups. The network became the Society for the Propagation of the Faith on 3 May 1822. It spread throughout the world and, 200 years later, its missionary work, now known as Missio, carries on. It spread to Ireland in 1838, starting with a meeting in a Parochial House in Dublin. To this day, every parish throughout the world contributes each year to the Propagation of the Faith collection on Mission Sunday. Pauline died in 1862 at the young age of 63, in Lyon. She was declared Venerable by Pope John XXIII in 1963. We thank God for her beatification today and her journey to sainthood. May her Christian example be a source of inspiration and encouragement to all of us.

Sunday’s Mass Readings

You can access the Readings on our parish website:

Sunday’s Mass Readings

I hope that having the Readings available on our parish website is also helpful to our Scripture readers, for the purpose of checking them out in advance. The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.


Parish Contact Details:

Parish Priest: Fr Colm O’Doherty Parochial House: 074-9142022
Mobile: 0833665530

Parish Office – Secretary: Lorna Porter @ 074-9142001


Parish website:

Follow us on Twitter:  @clonleighparish

Find us on Facebook:. Clonleigh Parish

Join our free Clonleigh Parish Text Service on WhatsApp. We will text you when we update our website with the Parish Newsletter etc. And you can link in to read the latest updates.

Join us on WhatsApp !


The Derry Diocesan Liaison Person, to whom any safeguarding concerns or allegations should be
communicated is: Ms Marie Gormley, Email: Tel: 0044 7596 500 793