Parish Newsletter for Sunday 11th December 2022



Gospel: Matthew 11:2-11. ‘Happy is the man who does not lose faith in me’ (11:6)
This Third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudete Sunday, Gaudete meaning Rejoice! We light the rose-coloured candle on our Advent wreath today and we rejoice in the imminent celebration of the birth of the Christ Child. Gaudete Sunday in Advent parallels with Laetare Sunday in Lent.
In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus is questioned about his true identity. He answers the question by pointing to the evidence – to what the people hear and see Him do. We thank God today for the gift of faith that we have received from others, through what we have seen and heard them do. In turn, may our example and our witness to the virtues of the Gospel in our day to day lives, encourage and inspire others in faith.
On this Gaudete Sunday, we rejoice in the gift of faith in our lives!


Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 10.00am.

Tuesday: 9.30am

Rosary commences 20 minutes before Mass (morning Masses)

Saturday: Vigil Mass, 6.30pm. Sunday morning: Mass at 9.00am and 11.00am

For those who are unable to come out to church, all our Masses continue to be available on our parish webcam:



Saturday 17 December, 6.30pm: Months Mind Mass for Billy McGavigan
Sunday 18 December, 9.00am: Mass for Deceased Members of the Derry Diocesan Society
Sunday 18 December, 11.00am: Kathleen Porter, The Common.


We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace:

Akey Carlin, Coneyburrow; MacLochlainn Family, Bridge Street; Kathleen Quinn, Feddyglass
Attracta Harron, Strabane; Anna Doherty, Strabane; John McCallion, Coneyburrow
Vera Porter, Coolatee; Seamus McBrearty, Tamnawood; Richard McBrearty, Chestnut Grove
Mary Clarke, Lifford.


THANK YOU for your generosity in last week’s collection, which amounted to €1,835.00


Requests for prayers for anniversaries for Sunday 25 December and Sunday 1 January should be submitted by 12.00noon on the Wednesday of both those weeks, as the newsletter will be printed early. In the event of late requests, these will be included the following week. Thank you for your co-operation.


With Christmas Day falling on a Sunday this year, the Christmas Masses will be celebrated at the normal Sunday Mass times – Vigil, Christmas Eve: 6.30pm, Christmas Day: 9.00am and 11.00am.


The annual Christmas Collection for SVP will be taken up after each of our Masses next weekend. We ask that you be as generous as you can to this annual appeal.
The SVP helpline number, 087 4647 991, is available at all times to take calls. Please know that all calls are in the strictest confidence.
Again, on behalf of everyone, I wish to express our deep gratitude to our parishioners and people of the surrounding areas who voluntarily give of their time and effort to help people in need, as part of their membership of SVP. At this particular time, there are many people in need. St Vincent de Paul, pray for us.


Clonleigh Parish Church of Ireland will hold a Carol Service by Candle Light next Friday evening, 16 December, at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome.

WE WELCOME our First Holy Communion children to our 11.00am Do This in Memory Mass today. Today, each child will be provided with a Jesse Tree symbol, which they will present at the sanctuary and which will then adorn the Tree in the sanctuary for Christmas. The children’s candles will burn during Mass.
It is important that all the children have the opportunity to attend the Do This In Memory Mass. In addition to ensuring that all the children are included in the parish preparation for the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Reconciliation, it is important that no child feels excluded by not being present at Mass with his/her family, classmates and friends. Thank you very much for your co-operation.
As a parish faith community, we continue to pray for the children and their families, that God will bless them as the children continue in their preparation to receive the Sacraments for the first time.

VISITATION OF THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND will take place this week, starting each day at 11.00am:

Monday – Ballindrait, Tober & Cloughfin;

Wednesday – Rossgier, Coolatee, Porthall & Cavan Hill;

Thursday – Murlog, Lifford & Coneyburrow;

Friday – Letterkenny Road, Croaghan Heights & Drumboy.

Please let your family member or neighbour know. If there is anyone who is not normally visited but would like me to call, please do let me know, and I will be more than happy to bring you the Eucharist.


An Irish Pilgrimage Guide to the Holy Land is a new book by Michael Kelly, Editor of The Irish Catholic newspaper, which explores the places associated with the life of Christ. Michael, who has led many pilgrimages to the Holy Land, says he hopes the book can also act as an ‘armchair retreat’ for people who cannot travel to the Holy Land bringing the Gospel to life for them. It is available from all good bookshops, or by calling 01 6874096, price €16.99. An ideal Christmas gift!

The “O” Antiphons of Advent:

In the Octave leading into the celebration of the Birth of Jesus, the “O” Antiphons shape the Church’s liturgy (17-23 December). The “O” Antiphons are seven short verses, of ancient origin, said/sung on each of these days during Evening Prayer of the Church. They are also echoed in the verses of the Gospel Acclamation on these dates. In each Antiphon, Jesus is invoked by a different title, there is a reference to one of the Old Testament prophecies (taken mainly from the prophet Isaiah) and there is a plea for the Messiah to come.
The seven “O’s” are:
O Wisdom  O Adonai (Lord)  O Root of Jesse  O Key of David
O Rising Dawn  O King  O Emmanuel
The “O” Antiphons are the inspiration for the familiar hymn, ‘O come, O come, Emmanuel.’ When we listen to the verses of the hymn, we will hear that each verse parallels one of the Antiphons.


Confirmation: Saturday 11 March, at 11.00am. First Holy Communion: Saturday 13 May, at 11.00am.



QUMEN: And so you know, Kath, that the symbols we are taking up at Mass today are for the Jesse tree.

KATH: What’s a Jesse tree? And what are the symbols?

QUMEN: You know the way that people sometimes do Family Trees. Well, the Jesse tree is like the family tree of Jesus. The symbols represent a story that had meaning in Jesus’ life or a person who was an ancestor of Jesus.

KATH: That’s interesting. My mum is working on our family tree. She’s tracing back who our ancestors were and trying to find out about things that they did when they were living. I suppose this is the same kind of thing.

QUMEN: That’s right, Kath. And the Jesse Tree will help us to get to know Jesus, through some of the people and stories that are part of His history.

KATH AND QUMEN: The best thing is, we’re part of God’s family, so all these people and stories are part of our lives too! How lucky are we to be presenting symbols at Mass that relate to Jesus’ life!

Do This In Memory:

Great to see you today, boys and girls, for our Do This In Memory Mass. As mentioned last week, today is the Third Sunday of Advent. We are lighting the third of the four Advent Wreath Candles, the pink candle. The reason we light the pink candle today is that we are coming closer to celebrating the birth of Baby Jesus, and we are in joyous (happy) mode.
Kath and Qumen are excited about bringing forward the symbols for the Jesse Tree, and Qumen is explaining to Kath what the Jesse Tree is and why it is important to us.

Sunday’s Mass Readings

Access the Readings on our parish website:

Sunday’s Mass Readings

The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.

The Daily Mass Readings are also on our website: . Alternatively, just google Clonleigh Parish readings.


Parish Contact Details:

Parish Priest: Fr Colm O’Doherty Parochial House: 074-9142022
Mobile: 0833665530

Parish Office – Secretary: Lorna Porter @ 074-9142001


Parish website:

Follow us on Twitter:  @clonleighparish

Find us on Facebook:. Clonleigh Parish